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About HidIgno

  • Birthday September 6

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  1. Rangers Mau Form

    This isn't a bug or anything of similar cases, Mau and Sin's Slayer form don't stack with any candy, and overwrite it. Candy stacking with Mau/Slayer was something that was introduced in 4.8+. However it would be a nice thing to have if it could be made stackable.
  2. While as an old player I find this somewhat true, I feel what you're suggesting doesn't solve the problem of balancing the gear score in any capacity whatsoever. Some players have been around this server longer than others thus already have gear and level time advantage over newcomers. Giving them easy access to solutions via cash shop function only exacerbates their potential to gear faster, thus gaining even higher ground. Not to mention, not everyone can afford or is able to donate to get shop items as donation can be/is prohibited in certain countries, so unless they stream they have no way to get ecoins unless through ingame exchange. And we all know how much more difficult this is becoming with Gameforge's copyright striking. Now ingame exchange is great but when it comes to special currencies (ecoins) and desirable items (tempering solutions), then it becomes an economical problem at some point; only those who earn/buy ecoins are making profit off of solutions while everyone else who can't falls drastically behind. Why? Because they[casuals and non-payers] have to farm more kinah (meaning extra grind) and rely on those who purchase/earn ecoins to get their solutions if they don't have the time to farm them. Therefore again, casual players actually don't gain any said benefit from this other than a "potential" easy access IF they have an ability to purchase them.