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Everything posted by princess

  1. Abyss Point AP Relic exchange

    please list all places where AP Relic exchange is. if possible, also list as best to worst exchange rate.
  2. programme allowed?

    are these mods allowed? list the allowed mods so i can use them too.
  3. bullying

    broker bully

    ported to instance & its a ENEMY statue so we all gonna die then they just came & killed all if we rezzed & they dont get zapped...waste of instance entry
  5. disconnect

    disconnect waiting for instance entry if u don't want me to play, then delete my account ok?????????

    i did not 'get into an instance' i rezzed in asmo safe room DURING GAME PLAY there is no time to activate the thing it instakills any other dumb ideas you can suggest? Mr. Domik?
  7. Inggison lvl475 Magical Aether MAP

    Taloc Forest, Inggison has Magical Aether up to lvl450. I cannot find lvl475 in Taloc Forest. If you go to where the Trico horses are for campaign in Conqueror's Ravine, Inggison, there are lvl475 Magical Aether gathering nodes in a lot more places than those I have marked on the map. I flew to the Eastern end where the design shugo spawns on the ravine floor, lvl475 nodes located about half way up from the ravine floor. Tidal seafoams always in the way, no problem if you are lvl65. Remember to buy Aether Extractor item from supplies quartermaster.
  8. update bug

    with & without VPN auto-game check shows this: a snip of the message:
  9. Bug Tiamaranta NPC Isda

    can hand in quest no problem Isda shows the blue arrow etc above head but the map does not show the quest arrow to find npc or hand in
  10. Compensation after DDos

    people like you are what is wrong with all the other servers & when you come to this server making extortive demands at any opportunity, we can only hope you get sick of the grind of levelling & GO AWAY.
  11. Killing for Castor

    NPC Tellarius quest Killing For Castor BUG cannot see quest please fix Melda lvl30 Elyo
  12. What are we doing about players like this?

    gotcha! screenie of someone selling an account on lfg
  13. selling kinah for real money

    Boompark, Elyo lvl5 Technist selling EuroAion kinah for Euros real money screenshot attached
  14. watch out!

    if you dont watch out you will buy the incorrect item from Elyo char named Zor sitting right next to the event shugo & selling the Steel Rake keys which he has farmed but advertising them as event Immortal Treasure Chest keys
  15. watch out!

    if you dont watch out you will buy the incorrect item from Elyo char named TYRE sitting right next to the event shugo & selling the Steel Rake keys which he has farmed but advertising them as event Immortal Treasure Chest keys
  16. Verteron Campaign 'A Flying Reconnaissance'

    it worked when the Loudmouth had very little HP left @Nikosama your vid was helpful
  17. campaign wont move on after successfully luring the loudmouth tursin twice. pls fix.
  18. Naked in Arena

    will this help?
  19. Verteron Campaign 'A Flying Reconnaissance'

    Verteron Campaign 'A Flying Reconnaissance' lure the tursin 2x but the campaign wont move past this stage