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  1. PvP Rift lvl 45 max

    So no already, it was not us, it would have been me in 1v1 it's you who tried to run :). On the other hand, the pvp we were looking for is a pvp of twink, pvp 45 against another 45 who are also specialized in pvp 45. We discovered this mode of play on another private server that had become well known for his pvp twink, it had attracted the curiosity of HL and who also mounted twink 45 in order to pvp eltnen / morheim. The primary goal is not to kill noob who wants pex even if he has colateral damage, but rather re-creates the pvp we knew at the time and find a pvp rift not located at a place and not RvR. It was a pvp that was really nice for a while, there were even HL who came to tease us what was part of the game and it was also one of the fun challenges of this pvp mode. Now we abandoned the idea because of the system that prevents to remain lvl 45. And we will re-attempted pvp HL even if we had not liked at all times ... RvR is a pvp that we not interested. In short, it is clear that this mode of pvp is not necessarily appreciated by everyone, like your pvp HL, I hope you can get to understand it and be able to accept that people can have different opinions as well as their tastes. Thank you for closing this topic.
  2. PvP Rift lvl 45 max

    Hello, here we are a small group of 5-6 players and maybe more comming if working to be on the server which is one of the few with a previous version and exp x1 which we are very interested because we were fervent practicing pvp rift (45 max Elten and Morheim) And we noticed a detail is that we can not lose exp dying and we risk level up 46 and therefore no longer have the opportunity to browse the flaw 45 max. At the time we would die in a loop to bring down the exp but dying does not drop the exp on your server ... Is it possible to block our exp to remain lvl 45 with a command ? PS : Sorry for the multi-post but I need an answer very quickly because some people only want to come if it's possible to stay 45. Thanks for your understanding ! Gatts.
  3. Hello, here we are a small group of 5-6 players and maybe more comming if working to be on the server which is one of the few with a previous version and exp x1 which we are very interested because we were fervent practicing pvp rift (45 max Elten and Morheim) And we noticed a detail is that we can not lose exp dying and we risk level up 46 and therefore no longer have the opportunity to browse the flaw 45 max. At the time we would die in a loop to bring down the exp but dying does not drop the exp on your server ... Is it possible to block our exp to remain lvl 45 with a command ? Thanks for your understanding ! Gatts.
  4. PvP Twink 45 Stigma

    Hello, I would like to know, we who are quite in love with pvp low lvl in rift, is it possible to have the ancestral stigma lvl 45 gold? And if it's possible, how to get them? Thanks for answer
  5. Camera problem

    Well, we finally find where the problem came from, a veryyyy longggg search. The teamspeak software "overlay" caused this camera bug. So here it is that it can help other people who will have an incident so much better, in any case we are happy to have been able to solve the problem and we will be able to go serenely!
  6. Camera problem

    We tried with another mouse and still the same problem. We will try to reinstall the game. We'll see, after I hope someone had the same problem and know where exactly the problem. In any case thank you for your answer, we will see what we can do.
  7. Camera problem

    I have a problem with the pc of my brother who can not do a complete tour to see more of the camera around his character. It hangs after 180 ° and does not want to turn more than one side or the other. Knowing that I do not have it on my pc. Do you know where this problem can come from? Thank you for your help if you can find where it may come from or we will not be able to continue