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  1. WTB Kahrun Set (healing Boost)

    Asmo or ely? I have a whole set on cleric, but on ely.
  2. Payment issues

    I don't understand why you have such a problem with paypal. Other servers somehow manage this method, and I don't believe that they don't have problems like you. They know they will be very lossy if they exclude this method. I really can't use any other methods. My bank is not on the list, not even my country! I can not give the cards and other methods are for Russians. I know a lot of people now can't buy ecoins. Ecoins now cost a lot of Kinah, not everyone can buy it. We are to start buying for real money from players or as you see it ..
  3. Payment issues

    Quick question. Do you intend to restore paypal in the near future? Don't you even think about bringing it back?
  4. Payment issues

    You can certainly do something with paypal. You have to understand that some people cannot use other methods and therefore paypal is perfect. Think about it again, please.
  5. ECoins

    I have the same problem. Any solution to the problem?