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  1. Ban Fukurou

    lol kid asking for ban a ppl on a private server just bl and shut up haha
  2. Siege rewards

    Hello, i need to know the different rewards from siege attack win rank1, rank2, rank3 "glory points" attack lost rank1, rank2, rank3 "glory points" defence win rank 1, rank2, rank3 "glory points" defence lost rankk1, rank2, rank3 "glory points" thx
  3. SIN BUG

    ok but can you fix this pls loosing few good stats ^^
  4. SIN BUG

    hello i cant use the stigma skill <Apparence de Tueur I> "i dont know the english nam"e with <[Élyséens] Bonbon de transformation : courageux panda> at same time PS: this is french names