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Everything posted by Krosis

  1. [Changes] Glory and Legion Rankings

    1) Krosis 2) Asmodian Army 2 star Officier 3) Asmodian Army 1 star Officier AND 1) Calibro 2) Asmodian Army 2 star Officier 3) Asmodian Army 1 star Officier
  2. why they get no aggro from npcs?

    everyone can kill u...and from what i see from videos there are even gunners there... so useless crying and moaning, given that it's even plenty of safezones there, so just go afk in safe...all this mess just cuz ppl its lazy to do 5m and go inside a house...moreover even in real life it's like that: If u are on the road and a guy shoots u near a policeman that isn't watching u die but then, and ONLY THEN the policeman shoots the killer. As for the bard yes it has 3 skills that are undetectable BUT (a big but) its hard to oneshoot you (and thats why gunners are there i suppose) you are like don quixote against the mills XDXD gl with ur epic battles of indignation and frustration
  3. why they get no aggro from npcs?

    pvp zone = u can be killed by the other faction.... maybe the simpliest rule this game ever had. If u stay afk outside in a pvp zone it's your choice to die. Stay safe! (LITTERALLY)
  4. Changes in game

    so, as soon as theese bugs are fixed this is not an Offy-like server anymore! Now devs are finally free to fix a real lot of other things that were bugged/unbalanced in offy! GG looking forward to that!
  5. My cabinet at home says cannot use and i cannot retrieve a good number of relics i had in there cause they show up blacked out. I tried buying another cabinet with the same name but it didn't work. If there is a way to retrieve the relics please help me I worked hard for those I attached a screenshot if it helps.