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Everything posted by Broomhilda

  1. Hello, I would like to buy some stuff with ecoins but I would like to trade Dragon Lord's Weapon chest for it if anyone is willing to trade. PM me on forums or ingame: Broomhilda
  2. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    Sadly no. We stopped playing in march and legion went inactive. Now we are back and I am not ready to recruit again just yet. I would advise you to seek invitation to T E R R O R legion because they are friendly and helpful. Enjoy!
  3. Hello Daevas! Welcome to MMOs Before Hoes! We are fairly new, thriving legion looking for new members to help grow our community. We offer fun time, new experience and help to our lower and higher level members. Every player is welcome no matter the class! We currently have 7 members in our legion of which 2 are Veteran players. If you're interested in joining us, please apply below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Username: Class: Level:
  4. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    178 members at the moment. We are also 16 legion tasks away from leveling up the legion.
  5. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    We are currently at 173/180 members. We are doing legion tasks at the moment so we can get more spots for members so get your spot before we're maxed out.
  6. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    We are at 160/180 players at this very moment. We have our own IS premade group(Actually we have 2 premade groups). Join us and see how cool we are.
  7. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    Here are some screens to prove that we are active We are still looking for members to play and have fun with us. Cheers!
  8. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    A little update. We are at 137 members at the moment and we are growing daily. We are still accepting lower levels because leveling is really fast so we don't want to restrict just yet. We might do it when we get closer to max capacity but we are not going to deny lower levels while there are so many spots left in the legion so make sure you get your spot as soon as possible. We are friendly and helpful players(or at least we try to be :D) so please don't be afraid to apply. Hit me up in game, on discord(you will find my post in Legion Recruitment) or simply post here.
  9. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    Sorry for a late reply. Added on friend list. Contact me when you get on or Einstein if I'm not online. See you ingame!
  10. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    I understand but asking if we have an xp buff seems like a player only wants to level up in our legion.
  11. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    We are not an xp legion. We want our players to stay. Added.
  12. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    Bump. We're still alive. Hoping to do legion tasks in next couple of days to level up legion to lvl7. Pm me or post below for invitation.
  13. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    Added you on my friend list. I will inv you into legion when i get online. If im not on you can ask for someone from our legion to inv you.
  14. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    MMOs Before Hoes[Asmo] is still up and running. We have 108 players in legion at the moment and hoping to grow more in next couple of days. When server went up we had about 13 players online which surprised us. We have been waiting patiently for our beloved server to get back up and we want to use these gifts that were given to us as much as we can so come join us and lets grow together.
  15. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    We have 97 players in legion at this moment. We accept all classes and levels.
  16. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    I mean at least try to post it in English.
  17. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    Bump. 64 members at the moment. About 10-17 people online at the same time. Still accepting lower levels so don't be afraid to apply We have many veteran members who can help with instances and information about game/gear and other stuff.
  18. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    Added on friend list. Right now we are at 45 members. About 7-11 online at the same time throughout the day. Join us!
  19. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    Right now we are at 32 members. Doing pve instances together and hoping to do pvp soon. We are at about 6-7 people online at the same time during the day and we are actively recruiting. We welcome all levels so don't be afraid to apply.
  20. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    Right now we are at 19 members. We accept both lower and higher levels. Our goal is to get legion xp buff so our lower level members can level inside of the legion and then do instances together. We also have our own discord server for better communication. Don't hesitate to contact me if you're interested.
  21. Juzz - Asmo - Offensive Chat

    Games are not a place for this kind of behaviour.
  22. [Eng] MMOs Before Hoes Looking For Members

    Added you on my friend list.
  23. Juzz - Asmo - Offensive Chat

    If you think comparing my legion name to what that guy said is the same then there is nothing I can say to you.
  24. Juzz - Asmo - Offensive Chat

    It's not about being butthurt about something. Its about disrespect. Imagine if everyone kept saying stuff like that. Stuff like that has no place in a game where people are supposed to have fun. This doesn't personally insult me but it does insult someone and it may ruin someone's experience on this server. This was punishable on every server and game that I played in past because it's disgusting and defending it is even more so. But I guess it doesn't matter on this server.
  25. Juzz - Asmo - Offensive Chat

    Even so it shouldn't be allowed. But yeah I guess they don't care since it was already a week since it happened.