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Everything posted by Sentry

  1. Busco gente para jugar

    Deberías especificar la facción, aunque básicamente sería la Mafia Latina en Asmoside y Ositos en llamas en Elysea. En ambas legiones hay, en general, muy buena gente.
  2. No hide detected

    Very thanks!
  3. No hide detected

    Hi all I wanted to report CHILL (asmo side) for using no hide. CHILLNOHIDE.mp4
  4. ice skate motion card

    Yes please, i love this motion card.
  5. Please Shugo event

    The server is more inactive than ever, it doesn't matter if the statistics indicate that there are 1000 people ON, every day that passes there are fewer OPEN PVP people, fewer instances are organized, there are no sieges, etc. Not only should you consider doing the Shugos, but you have to do a TOP event (whatever it is) so that more people don't keep leaving.
  6. why they get no aggro from npcs?

    Why is it against the rules? The problem is with the game, which has created a class with bug abilities, not the players who use those skills. If you don't want them to use them, fix the problem but it should NEVER be punishable to use your skills, I insist, the problem lies with the game, not the player.
  7. Unpossible report

    Now say it without crying.
  8. Pvp of the poor: PATETIC

    Bice ninds.
  9. Comeback

    Aquí hasta el más pringao va full +15 y joyería +3 . Ni te molestes en volver, el server está muertísimo desde hace meses.
  10. Why banned CRIOOO?

    The (in my opinion) best Gladiator and even player on the server has been banned and I don't see any explanations in Bans' post. For all the whiners who have reported him, if instead of accusing him of hacks, you would watch his streams maybe you would learn to use your Gladiator better. As for the Administration, is there evidence that he used hacks? Bots? Is incredible.
  11. Whyyyyy

    First of all, you are boomer. Many people have bought and sold accounts on this server, it has come to seem legit, but I never saw that announced in public.
  12. [Event] Beritra Treasures!

    Your idea seems good but it is not at all successful for several reasons. An event from which only one faction benefits, and within this faction, only a small part, it can NEVER be considered a good event. The prices will not go down for a simple reason, all those who get serums are the same who dominate the broker, in other words, this event serves to monopolize the market even more. To this day we continue to suffer the consequences of the fire, since since the fire the prices of the enchant stones have been through the roof. Invite several friends to the server and EVERYONE has left because it is impossible for them to upload the equipment, not only because the rate of this server is a SHAME but because they cannot get enough kinah, to raise a sad set to +10. Do you want to improve the economy of the server? Put the ALQUIMIA event, put the Shugos 1 month in a row. It is very nice to think that the rarest items must be difficult to get, but the only thing you are getting is that the whales on the server do not allow new players to equip themselves and leave the game.
  13. [Event] Lucky Snowflake!

    Maximum? Why do more alts? Hahaha forgive me for laughing, but during 2 weeks MANY MORE ALTERS have been uploaded than those you mention for a simple reason, one part of the flakes you open and the other you sell. For the next flake event (if the server lasts another year, which I MUCH doubt) 1500 flakes will be a pittance, pimpim.
  14. T-Dredge and AFk

    Items purchased by AP are sold by AP, not by kinah. And no, they will not sanction being afk (unfortunately), they have said it countless times.
  15. Elyos or Asmodian?

    Right now Elyos but if things continue like this in a week the Asmos will be crying in the forum, the admins will close the creation of Elios, the Elyos will be outraged and go to another game and the Asmos will dominate again. Conclusion, reroll the WOW.
  16. Offense to a player

    I'm Spanish and "Puto" is like saying BITCH. It does not seem correct to sanction for an insult simply, but that does not mean that the word PUTO is a lack of respect.
  17. Gladiator or Aethertech

  18. [Event] Lucky Snowflake!

    When you do things wrong it is communicated to you ... now you have done it GREAT by putting 8 flakes instead of 2 and I applaud you.
  19. Critical Font

    Nice zergers.
  20. Purchased accounts

    Hi everyone. I understand that it is illegal to buy and sell accounts on this server. How can you prove that someone has bought an account that was not yours until recently? I say this because there are people (genius) who stream and you only need to add 2 + 2 to know that they have just acquired that account. Do you have to report in public? Private message to the forum admins? Can you say the name here to point it out? PS: Yes, some of you will know that I mean some Spaniards.
  21. Is it worth to try server again ?

    The game is ABANDONED. There is an Asmodian hegemony since the end of July and nothing has been done to solve it, neither from the administration nor from the faction. The Elios dominated 2 months before the summer and the Asmodians cried in the forum for the admins to put a solution, and they did (closed records in Elyside). Instead, the Elios seem not to mind not being able to conquer or, very occasionally, conquer and not being able to defend a single day. Right now there are 12 alliances / groups and they are all for PVE. Obviously there are fewer and fewer Elios because it bores them that a solution is not found, sooner or later the game will die and when the inept administrators look for a solution, it will be too late.
  22. Shop items

    ID: 110901522 Busy Bee Outfit ID: 110901408 Cat Cape ID: 110901414 Rabbit Cape These items are not available in the game client. Entering into the game store is not possible.

    Nope, you can do some 1vs1 and most of them are not twinks, they are only looking to do the 1 kill mission to get EXP. Unfortunately this server is not made for twinks and it is a shame, as it is my favorite way to have fun but 2 hours of waiting every day not to enter any Dregion is depressing.
  24. The rate of this server is not the same as the original, that is also very clear, you just have to accept playing with its rules.
  25. Player disrespect

    "loot u fucker"... oh my god, Do you want me to give you a couple of free psychotherapy sessions? Cheer up friend!