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Everything posted by maldito06

  1. Hi , anyone have this bug while using hallowed strike ? screen goes black and back to the game after using the skill...and sometimes disconect me from game Ty
  2. Cleric bug while using hallowed strike

    i deleted teh game , downloaded again ..and now this happend
  3. Cleric bug while using hallowed strike

    im downloding now the game,again, and reinstal it . lets see
  4. Cleric bug while using hallowed strike

    black screen solved , i installed all the programs . BUT now i cant stay in a group/party without blackscreen and disconect from game . i have to restart pc to be able to login Ideeas ?
  5. Cleric bug while using hallowed strike

    hi again ... black screen during use of hallowed strike has returned yesterday , not so much like fore installing dirext x ...but is there . Any advice ? Ty
  6. Cleric bug while using hallowed strike

    all good till now , if i will encounter problems i will post here . Ty
  7. Cleric bug while using hallowed strike

    now i installed direct x ,lets see if works now . ty
  8. Cleric bug while using hallowed strike

    from torrent , from scratch and its in english .