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Everything posted by Angrry

  1. Disabling PayPal method. Donations.

    Have you already received offers to ban those who make refunds by ip or take kinara (make a negative number if this is not available) from all their accounts? Or just ban and charges only for what the Persians are level 65
  2. Aion 4.6? Am I dreaming?

    I tell you what I see. Maybe your friends are leaving. Which is understandable if your communication is as full of empty complaints, crying and insults without any reason as this dialogue. Try to act more often under the influence of good emotions and everything will come into your hands. PS: the Loss of players who are not able to grow up to 65, and running in fright from constant bonuses, free starting sets and generally unprecedented help for the X1 server, is more good news than a problem, IMHO
  3. Aion 4.6? Am I dreaming?

    Look around you. Full of young warriors. About half of my Legion is growing now. People constantly come here from other projects, because this is the best representative of version 4.6. They leave due to the fact that allowing the exchange of characters is equivalent to the complete legalization of trade and theft because of greed, laziness, or in search of new experiences. However, many return, mind you. We hear bad reviews about other servers from live people. Let's try to keep this one comfortable, okay?)
  4. Жир ивент(нет)

    Баф на +10% к обеим скоростям - серьезная помощь в ПВП. Жаль закл его снимает Ну и перспектива не тратить в этом месяце 350 койнов на титул тоже весьма приятна
  5. Раньше мы находили там пункт 4. Но его отмена станет хорошей новостью для многих, имхо
  6. Жир ивент(нет)

    А чем плохо халявное падение топ-титулов и бафы на фаст прокачку, дроп бонус и скорость атаки/магии? Даже интересно, чем обычно занимается группа людей, не заинтересованных в прокачке, данжах и пвп-бонусах
  7. Aion 4.6? Am I dreaming?

    First: this is an MMO. Connecting with other people and making friends is an important part of these projects. Secondly: This is a good project for many reasons. But ordinary people play here. In my clan there are security guards and teachers, builders and Housewives. Try to explain to the foreman-Ivan that he must urgently learn English in order to continue playing. The process is not easy. Especially for those who learned French and German as a foreign language at school. In short, most people only know their own language and go to other groups accompanied by"translators". Will a foreigner be comfortable if we accept them? Obviously not. Can the majority also find a group of people who will understand and (possibly) support them in this chaotic world? Certainly. Find a Legion or Premade where you are welcome. Find out which classes are in demand. Work on your skills and statistics. Together getting the victory you will be happy much more than the fact that you alone had the good fortune to serve as a burden to a random team. The last: Just throwing a call to chat /3 is usually possible to get help and advice. I used it many times, and also answered other people's calls. (Of course we are talking about ASMO side. I don't know how white people are doing)
  8. Is Buying / Selling accounts Legit?

    However, it cannot serve as direct evidence. For example, my work is related to construction, so I periodically change the city, and sometimes the computer. I would like to reserve the right to change the appearance and nickname if desired.
  9. дпс метр

    Разве второе оружие не считается аналогично спайке(не считая божика)? 87 Не втягивай меня в примеры плес. Я магкласс и терплю ЧатЛог не от большой любви к расчетам чужих скиллов
  10. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    On the other hand, a few days earlier, when the hard work of writing 2 words in the Group Search was carried out, White's alliances greatly outnumbered our side. In my opinion, the situation looks like this: the Leaders reduce the number of fees to increase the gap in points, strengthening their position. It also allows young Daevas to take a two-star PVP gear much faster. In parallel, there is pressure on the administration: "Give a buff or the server will die". Thus, the ability to collect individual points will be greater, and when Their Majesties deign to allow ordinary mortals to besiege, they will have an army of people under their command in good clothes and with additional reinforcement. I do not want to say that this hypocritical and arrogant approach is peculiar only to the Ely. We recently had the same situation on the Blue side. My suggestion: instead of bonuses for tricksters, let's return to the discussion of" zeroing " fortresses. It was a good idea. We voted against it, under the influence of a deceiver.
  11. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    As well as time for more people to receive the award, who did not make the event their only meaning of life
  12. Курилка

    Спасибо что не играешь А по вопросу: Все робит, онлайн хороший, вивинг и слайды юзабельны. VPN-Game или ExitLag многим облегчают жизнь
  13. Fraction elyos or asmo

    You can play for 2 races, but you will have to create different accounts. Obtaining benefits using this method is prohibited (although difficult to prove). Also, if you think about the reward on sieges, there is a serious limitation in this.
  14. punishment

    Oh, let's ban all macros then! And when you go to the bathroom, you look like a cheater collecting candy. A great reason to ban. Imho.
  15. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    At least 1\2 of this time, NONE of the whites come to the siege of the Abyss at all. The only way to not collect any alliances - to have no messages in the Group Search. When people are recruited to fight, we often fight with a numerical advantage. 2alliance to 3, sometimes 3 to five. That's why your words seem strange to me. It's like we're playing on different servers In the last year of the legend's life (I had to catch him), the balance was absolutely not there and the admins did not want to do anything about it. The real preponderance of forces was about 1\3. The main reason for the location of forts from Asmo was RMT. Even the Ely Koreans (which was a strong faction) complained that because of agreement, treaties, and the quantitative superiority, they had no enemies, in fact. If the forum is still alive, you can see them crying in the Korean section
  16. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    You're seriously saying this after Ely easily took the fortress? Only one, because there was no desire. Some of the lords went to receive their reward elsewhere. Now the white side is often in the majority, and my personal opinion is that the forts are now blue, either because someone is thinking about the balance after a big "green stripe", or because of the hope for support from the admins and players. Perhaps you should have pretended to be modest for another day if you wanted to make such a dramatic face.
  17. Rank Bug

    There are a finite number of officers. The level you need, depends on the rest of the top list
  18. Do you seriously think that your friend who can play won't get better when his gear gets higher? This is a conversation that would say "I'm too good to deal with my stats". This is not true. If I am attacked by people in basic gear, I can literally kill the entire group without losing half of the HP. Do not go on about your laziness. Of course, there are people who have a good command of their class, those who should learn a little, and those who are generally not useful, but it is easier to get a person to read the guide than to hope that the need to raise a friend from the dead after each blow will not affect its effectiveness. PS: Sometimes the death of the monsters is a tactical move. Consult with more experienced players about the benefits of suicide before you laugh
  19. дпс метр

    Угу, а еще БМК.. К сожалению не нахожу готового "aion damage calculator", но расчет урона не является проблемой. Другое дело статы РБ. если у тебя остались ссыли на вскрытые файлы игры - поделись плз. Мы уже намылились ломать ее заново
  20. Itsmebisu cheating

    Can someone be banned for this? I have a plan for getting rid of the cheaters much sooner
  21. дпс метр

    Смысл в том чтобы сравнивать эффективность разных способов заточки и эквипа. Возможность наблюдать мисы, криты и общий дамаг на разных рб полезна. Сразу понятно, кому какой стат нужно подтянуть. Кроме того, хочется иметь свою статистику, поскольку владельцы других Метров нередко выбрасывают в чат кривые данные.
  22. Itsmebisu cheating

    What is cheating? Everyone on the server has absolutely equal conditions and chances!!
  23. Battleground

    This is usually achieved with a reward. Of course, it is difficult to calculate everything so that the economy does not suffer, it made sense for many players, not just for those who will only increase the imbalance when awarded and for enough people to participate. Alternatively, the distribution of bonuses based on the results of the ten-day period (20, 30?) counting, using the top of the best awards such as Title, Skin, etc., issuing small but promising gifts such as "Beritra Army Supply Box" to a large number of participants. Also, these attributes can be made a source of shard stigma, which is really necessary for the server and everyone who is interested in pvp content (and whose expense will increase the resolution of such events). P. S: you can log in via a command /something and announce the start in the General game chat with some frequency
  24. Event

    Well, I see 2 options here: 1) Admins will start sending out warnings about the start of the event via Express mail, E-mail, Votsapp, etc. 2) Players will learn to read the news on official resources if they want to get information.
  25. ExitLag имеет меньше всего проблем с настройками, но дорогой собака...