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Everything posted by Lovebird


    Frankly shards should be free. Switching stigmas shouldn't be a factor. It's a quality of life change, since you guys can't seem to come up with a solution to regulate shards like on retail. A huge part of Aion is the skill customization/builds, and you can't even do that here because of the cost; that's not okay.
  2. Question about cleric for a returning player

    Cleric is easily one of the best if not the best class in this patch. You'll be fine.
  3. Disabling PayPal method. Donations.

    It is usually an accepted and well known punishment to perma ban anybody who charges back/refunds donations on any game. No questions asked. Let that be the consequence, and don't ruin paypal donations for everyone else
  4. Disabling PayPal method. Donations.

    There goes my method of donation. Unfortunate.
  5. Why? Why am I unable to rift into morheim unless I'm lvl 20-32? Asmo lvl 65 can be present, but only lv 20-32 elyos can be? What sense does that make? I used to gather vinna petals on retail at lvl 65 in morheim, so why in the world is there a level restriction on this server? Can you remove this??

    On retail there were BOTS that dealt with lowering the price and increasing the amount of stigma shards available; those are not present here. This creates a large problem, as stigma shard prices are quite high simply for changing skills, something that shouldn't (and wasn't, on retail) be a second thought. There needs to be a change.
  7. Shop items

    [item: 101500464] (Wise Dragon King's Staff) please These items can be crafted. Adding these items to the game store is not possible.