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Everything posted by Ellowain

  1. Touchpad Button Troubles

    So I can't click on anything when I try to use my laptop's touchpad. I can move the cursor around, but trying to right click buttons or even eft click to move the camera- nothing happens. I can click using a wireless mouse, but I never use a mouse with Aion (since I normally play on the couch or in bed, lol). And my touchpad works fine in retail Aion. . .so I'm pretty stumped here. Any suggestions?
  2. Touchpad Button Troubles

    Understood. =] But just to let everyone know, I'm not so sure it's the anticheat. I booted up my super old laptop (2011 Viao/Win7/Synaptics PS/2) and dropped the exact copy of the game onto it in the exact say way I did my brand new MSI (Win 10/Elan touchpad +windows/Elan drivers). . . and the touchpad (clicking buttons, rotating camera, etc) works on that old computer perfectly on the first try. If the Viao wasn't dying and didn't run like a cow on ice, I would just game on that. Sorry to be a bother, but is there anything else you guys can think of for me to try? I'm going to attempt installing different synaptic drivers. . .but I don't have many ideas past that. :c
  3. Touchpad Button Troubles

    Well, that is a super bummer. I take it there's no way to run the game without the anticheat, huh? Even just to test the theory? Also, thanks for answering.
  4. Touchpad Button Troubles

    So I've tried everything I can think of (updating drivers for my ELAN touchpad, changing touchpad setting, etc) and I cannot get the left click of this touchpad to work. I can click spells in my slots, I can double click enemies to target them, I can double click NPCs to start a conversation, I can right click other players to bring up that menu. . . . but I can't right click to move the camera or just click on stuff like the Accept button to start the game, or choosing which character to play, or clicking buttons in the options menu, or accepting quests. . . I saw a Win10-Mouse-Fix-dll download for Aion emulator builds on another site, but I'm worried about messing with anything inside this client since this is supposed to be fully functional as is. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions? Please?
  5. Touchpad Button Troubles

    One more thing; Tried on my hubby's compy (we both have the same MSI, but I reformatted mine and his still has the synaptic pad/Elan touchpad drivers from MSI). His has the same trouble as mine. ALSO we can both DOUBLE click with cursor on enemies to activate battle and double click on NPCs to chat, it's the SINLGE click function of the right and left touchpad buttons that do not work. Um, Is there any patch out there?
  6. Touchpad Button Troubles

    Ok! . . how do I run the client without the EurAion launcher? (I'm so sorry. This is my first time using a private server) Also, in game I can double left-click on NPCs and get their chat box to pop up. . . but then I can't click on the buttons into the chat box to make the chat go further (like accepting quests) I can also double click on enemies to target them for attack. I can also right click on other characters to open the that little panel (whisper, duel, etc). . . but them can't click on the actual buttons whisper, etc. AND I can't use the right click to simply move the camera.
  7. Touchpad Button Troubles

    Ok! . . how do I run the client without the EurAion launcher? (I'm so sorry. This is my first time using a private server)
  8. Touchpad Button Troubles

    Seems to be the windows default.