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Everything posted by Ellowain

  1. [Event] Beritra Treasures

    This is how you compete with other servers starting? Sigh. And the Tempering event was skipped last year. Will we ever see it again? We have all been waiting forever.
  2. Эфиробот

    Oh look here! It's this again. Don't worry. Its not a not and totally normal. DEFINITELY not a gold farmer selling kinah for the past YEAR.
  3. I get that the Admin team is your BFF. Even when things are obviously passed over. Let's all move on with our lives, shall we?
  4. So here is the funny part. You ready? It's a bot. Everyone already knows. End of story.
  5. bot-double compte

    I guess reading is not your strong suite. it's a bot, not a complaint about PvP.
  6. Even with videos..... Its been over a year with the same bots.
  7. streaming incident

    No, the problem is ecoin scammers that nuked the economy. No wing pet and removal of voting can fix what all the free ecoins destroy. One more nail in this server's sinking coffin.
  8. streaming incident

    Dude, I'm with you...but there's no winning a debate with these ppl. You could present a peer-reviewed research paper worth of evidence and be still shot down. Streaming has been causing a huge pay-to-win + inflation effect for the past year, but.... Admin will do as they please; right, wrong, or dopey. The player community has no power here.
  9. streaming incident

    But isn't this problem the same as why they quit MMOTOP coins? Cheaters get too many coins with bots, then sell those for real world money or cause inflation in game? I mean seriously, this is so obviously blatant....when was the last time his server even had 1.5k, 2k, 1k players online??
  10. Arena of discipline reward

    The helper/admin team said the new plan was to offer Cera as an Arena reward plus create an NPC to trade Cera for some kind of extra rewards for long term players who already have too much Cera. . . . that was last year. I wish there was an update other than "we are working on DDoS instead" and yet we keep getting shop items, isn't fixing Arena more important than a million new mounts?
  11. The same person has a bot for Elyos (Inggison). The gather bot name is "Dancing" and if you kill it, the user spawns asmos "SleepingCat" and SleepingBeaver" to kill you. And before ppl say "but there are anti-bot programs!" This person obviously triple clients on multi-screen so he can have this bot running at all times. If it gets stopped by the "anti-bot" poison for a sec, he easily see on one screen, can type the code, then let the bot go back to farming. This has been going on for over a year. Everyone knows about this person. If admin truly cares about chinese gold farming for real world money (and taking away our meager coin voting), then please address this account.
  12. [Event] Bloody revolution

    Thanks for the reply, hopefully we will see the tempering event this year. I didn't realize this hadn't been resolved after 9 months of DDoS....gl
  13. [Event] Bloody revolution

    This event....again? Why do we have to have this event like 2-3 times each year? Especially when last year, you guys completely skipped the Tempering Event (one of the most popular events on this server).
  14. Pay-to-Win & Bye Ratings

    But I know how this goes, once admin makes a decision, it will never change. I just hope you can truly see and fully understand how this will create a barrier for non-paying players and find an alternative way for people to earn minimal coins that isn't streaming or being a "top player" each month. There are items in the shop that every player really needs to progress at end level. Can you even imagine trying to socket 25-75mil composite stones without socket boxes?
  15. Will there be another way to earn ecoins, besides streaming (which ppl also cheat at, and earn more than a peasants 5 coin per day). Kiss EA's rating bye-bye. Who is going to waste their time voting for free?
  16. Pay-to-Win & Bye Ratings

    Thank you for calling me a cheater. It's very appreciated. Let me do the math for you: Traveling Kitter: 230 = 7 weeks (the first thing I bought after playing here for two months) Socket box to finish weapon: 120 coins = 2.5 weeks 2 cabinets: 120 coins = 2.5 weeks 3-Day XP boost: 35 coins= 7 days Gathering Boost: 30 coin= 6 days In less than 1/2 year, I was able to very easily get very helpful items while diligently voting in support of YOUR server. And I joined JUNE 2010 (3,000+ coins total) But please continue to call me a cheater for utilizing the voting system that your team wanted us to use in the first place. Furthermore, I did start a second account in my second year. And if you want to get upset about players having multiple accounts, that is 100% your fault publicly repeating that you allow it on this server. Players complain ID being impossible to farm bc players dual box so many accounts. Admin has repeatedly stated that having many accounts is perfectly fine. So don't allow things and then turn around and call us cheaters for doing the exact thing you allow.
  17. Pay-to-Win & Bye Ratings

    It wouldn't be Pay-to-Win if the only items on shop were skins, stat-less, or were items you could earn by grinding the game. But that is not the case. This breaks the playability of the game for all new players who don't want to spend their lunch money on this.
  18. Pay-to-Win & Bye Ratings

    I'm sorry, but that is 100% incorrect. My friends and I voted each day and would save all month for one socket box to finish a weapon, or for a 3-day drop boost (not available in game) or 200% xp amulets (not available in game) or 200% crafting amulet (also not available to normal players) then cabinets for our studios (2 weeks each). It was VERY possible to get good items from voting. What other items give obvious advantage and now are pay-to-win only and are impossible to get in game? - Titles that give permanent, in-game stats - Candies that give in game stats - Pets that use 6 scrolls - Rollback scrolls for extra GP each week - Every item on the PREMIUM page This has become a pay-to-win server, while already suffering from crippling inflation. It's just a fact.
  19. Pay-to-Win & Bye Ratings

    So, only wallet warriors can win because the divide between paying players and non-paying will be even worse. Tell me, what new player wants to start on a server where everyone is geared and you must go through the whales of the eCoin Mafia to get items that arent even available through gameplay?
  20. And yet, it looks like admin did, huh? Try again, kiddo. Welcome to EA.
  21. That's mostly for stuff that can be re-tuned or armor ppl broke down for ench stones. Bc ppl are trying to cheat the game for better/free stuff. This is totally diff and shouldn't apply to your post. AP can't be tuned and who would disenchant an AP gear when you can run a single Sauro for crappy eternals to tear down?
  22. Server balance

    We can talk about this until the server dies because admin doesn't see this as a problem. Players cant fix this and admin refuses to lift a lazy little finger. Players have addressed the Elyos issues for 2 years and for 2 years admin simply pretends nothing is wrong.
  23. Server balance

    If you can't see the obvious problem with balance, there's no use talking with you about it more.
  24. Server balance

    Can you conceptualize that this issue has been going on for sooo looong that everyone has stopped trying when we always fail. And if your rationale is right (you say "your race" so I guess you play asmo too), what would you do in my situation? How would you, @sophisticated start to change this- as one single player against all the top players, just going for GP? See? Its not a very realist scenario, is it? Why don't you, and Almighty, and Nancy come try as normal players, then we all can support your efforts as a formed group, work together, and we'll see how far you guys can get with "just organize ppl and try" We can all watch that theory fail together. Or prove me wrong.
  25. [Event] Happy Valentine's Day

    Since DDOS is back, any chance you guys will extend the event? Even just a couple days so it ends on a maint day, to make up for the lost weekend, would be great....