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Posts posted by Ellowain

  1. Even if its true.....when players get racist comments or flame whispers, we are told "admin won't interfere and to move on".

    But you mute people for little wordless reactions? Our player base is so tiny, please don't make more ppl quit because of poor management. 


    Might I suggest: This is a game moment, learn to accept and move on. 

  2. Since everyone hates this event: 

    - Overstuffed with too many "filler, garbage" items, so chance of a good item is too rare

    - Takes WAAAAY too many event tokens to get a box (100? really? for real, thats way too much)

    - The top box extra prizes are extra lame (7-day yume lamp/title)

    Maybe consider reducing how many Tasty Grains and Golden Aether are needed. (15, 35, and 55). And can you please make some small changes to these rather .uninspiring prize list? I know you have a good dev team these days that are doing all kinds of cool things with the server.

    =>  What about making a bunch of the shop skins 7-day? So we can test them out for fun (like you do with mounts). Doesn't give stats and they expire. you could make box sets with randomized full 5-piece sets. People would WANT to change their look after having a nice look for a week. 

    => Or 1-day motion cards of the favorite shop items. 

    => Or since its a its a harvest- what about OP foods/candies/Potions/Lucky Vinna? Non-tradable/sellable so the market doesn't crash

    .And for the love of god, please Ditch the Balaur mats, Yume Lamp, Value Pack, and manastones completely.....they just filler.

    Cheap boxes and temporary prizes as filler = lots more farming and play without destroying the economy.

    Most other events are known for something- the only event when you can get X-item or the best time to level characters or the best event to get Enchantment stones, etc,etc.....this event has nothing special, has mostly junk rewards, and the boxes cost WAY too much to farm for fun. And its a game, should be fun sometimes.  

  3. The amount of items that can be installed in housing (decorative, not storage). Now that there are more decorative housing options, (and I hope you continue to expand these options in shop) it would be nice if we could place more of these decorative items inside our houses by expanding the limit. 

    Hopefully that made sense.   




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  4. You added more housing items to the eCoin shop (thank you, admin team)

    HOWEVER, I think most of us who love housing, already have maxed out our items.

    ADMIN! Wanna sell more housing items? Because I wanna buy more items. So could you please increase the limit of items that can be stored inside and outside of our studios/houses/etc by like 10 inside and 5 more outside? 

    This will not break playability in any way (PvP tryhards ain't landscaping) AND you get to sell more stuff = more money for you going forward.


    Please consider. Thanks.

  5. 1 hour ago, Albin said:

    For insulting the admins.

    Don't confuse warm with soft, this is a private server, the administration is king and god here, the last word always belongs to the admins. 

    When we players are flamed, they tell us "just block the player". But when they are insulted, they ban players fully. 


    And king? They use stolen files to build a server for pure profit. It's all business. They should toughen up- it's just a game. 

  6. Ceramium coins are used to buy Balaur serums to convert mithril to Cera medals. 

    Conqueror Marks can buy the Vanquisher freezing set, which has the 2nd best farmable MB belt after Sauro. 


    Please don't consider changing that system just because some players don't know this game well enough yet. :)  Thank you. 

  7. Cool idea in theory; however, can you please consider removing the ABYSS POINTS requirement on these?

    Abyss points are already continuously utilized for us fully geared players! We use those for potions, siege artifacts, AP armor/weapon conditioning- AP is a resource that we geared players use up like gasoline, so can we please remove that part from this NPC in future updates?  

    Otherwise, clever idea. Bravo. 


  8. Admin- your server has become really cringy because you take no action.

    There are people running around with curse words in their legion name or "Paralyzed Girls cant say No". There's a new character with the racial slur "Negro" Pretty sure stuff like will cause strikes/bans from streaming services that you care so much about, fyi. Unlike you guys, most real businesses and organizations care about their brand and imagine and will not allow it to be posted on their services.....


    And now you have players stealing the name of another player for the sole purpose of causing damage and it's pretty obvious, wouldn't you agree?

    Please consider taking some action on your server, things have gotten way out of hand recently and it looks like a server full of mentally handicapped.


  9. 16 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


    We did not touch the rates. If you don't believe to it, you can keep not believing. We will not increase rates from what they have been for all the years before. 

    Regarding the duration, we will consider it. 

    I will continue to understand simple math, thanks.

    But thank you for at least entertaining the idea of length. Even the extra +3 days is a good consideration for players with normal weekday jobs.  

    • Like 2

  10. You shorten the event more each year and destroy the rates worse each year. Just ran 20x for two tempering solutions when it's the 2x weekend + 100% 7-day drop boost + 20% drop boost. So it's so obvious to every longterm player that either you changed the drop rate, or the RNG is broken with all your updates for skins and you can't figure it out, and you don't play so how would you know if it's the same or different anyway?

    You are wasting everyone's time and money. The server population is dying and stuff like this just makes more of your players rage quit from this server.   

    • Like 1

  11. Does anybody else find it suspicious that this is the THIRD person to have an account stolen in the past 5 days? 

    How many ppl have to lose their accounts before admin will stop posting the same incorrect advice?

    Can't you look at the records/IPs and trace where the kinah/items are stolen to? This should be child's work for an admin team. Instead of blaming your players, please try helping first. Thank you. 

    • Like 1

  12. Since  the "Boss Party" event was a 100% failure last year and everyone hated it because certain players and legions just camped, kill-steal, and triple client cheated to take all rewards, can we have this event back? This server needs MORE PVP anyway. 

    Trying to defeat world bosses works like Molantas....you know, that boss that has been monopolized by one legion for almost 2 years? Fun for the whole server. :/  

  13. On 8/3/2023 at 11:45 PM, Timestamp said:

    Is spying on the opposing faction during the siege prohibited?

    For example, when an Asmodian twink, a player who plays as an Elyos, monitors the Asmodian alliance and reveals all positions
    is this considered win-trading?

    Welcome to a server full of very toxic people, including admin. You are right, this shouldn't happen, but as you can see- players are a cesspool of toxicity because "get gud" is all they have going in their life. So why change it?


    And prepare for Admin to say "There are no rules against having a character in both factions and there are no rules againt multiple accounts" It's a co-out to avoid mediating. Because, you see, mediating is "work", why bother with that? =]


    Best you can do is try to chill and don't engage with these ppl further. It's healthier. 

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  14. On 8/6/2023 at 11:51 PM, oborodono said:
    my suggestion is repetable everyday 1 quest so instead of 9x we can get amount of event duration time. for exp 15 days 15 bags

    Hey, thats not a bad a idea at all. Once a day keeps ppl logging each day, rather tham spam one day, then dont come back online again until reset. 

  15. No, not really.

    Events just make item prices plummet. There are some godstones/skins that are 100% worthless now because those items have been ham-fistedly crammed into every event. So, new players used to be able to farm events for kinah, now much of that economy has been utterly destroyed. 

  16. On 7/21/2023 at 9:30 AM, uiaion said:

    yes 2 Tempering Solution event have caused very serious inflation, Kinah has collapsed:o

    No, ecoin prices going up x3 in the past 2 years has destroyed the economy. Started at 350k or so, now I'm seeing 900k? wtf. Welcome to a pay-to-win server. 

    Temperings costing 300-400mil each = only whales can enchant. Its ridiculous. This server is so broken. 

    • Like 1

  17. 3 hours ago, Booblik said:

    And it turns out that the player gets something, and it doesn’t even matter what. From here we get into the problem of cheating votes, since many have 100,500 accounts everywhere.

    That's 100% ADMIN'S FAULT for the "100,500 accounts everywhere"

    Admin has said over and over, for years, that there is no problem having many accounts and running dual clients on multiple computers

    Players complain about alt farming. Players complain about seeing 6 accounts running at the same time by one person. Players complaing about the triple clienter that monopolizes aethertapping in Inngyson (Asmo accounts Sleepingbeaver/Sleepingcat + their tapping bot Dancing) Players complain about dual clienting in ID on Asmo and Ely sides to either kill players or swap accounts and kill steal from players.


    What does admin say to this? "It is not against policy to have many accounts on this server. TOPIC IS CLOSED. Thank you" 


    Now admin wants to cry about using multiple accounts for MMOTOP? 9_9