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Everything posted by crypted

  1. A simple request

    ppl are always the same.... when they wanna sell or buy somthing, they write in english in addition to their native language, but when they look for players for their pt they do advertise in native only, cuz they dont want any others than natives to join.... thats the main problem... its not that people are not matching their requirements, its somthing else...
  2. Petition for NO (or very few) events

    im for NO events, untill we have some sort of a regular player base in LVL 65`s... so atleast ppl who aint so fast with leveling can still participate in future events, with max level...
  3. Shop items

    Only skins and housing stuff can be added then?
  4. Shop items

    It would be nice to have packs with Potions and scrolls to buy, for little money, like 100 running scrolls, 100 courage scrolls, 100 castspeed scrolls + 100 Recovery Serums depending on lvl of the character ( for e. char is under lvl 50, so serums would be the ones for under lvl 50 to use [item: 162000048], for lvl 30+ [item: 162000050] and for 50+ [item: 162000080]).
  5. Its common that people who dont understand the natives of others, have to learn a GLOBAL language called english or french for example, to avoid missbehaviors and racism from other players. At the moment, its really disturbing how specially russians act in lfg, when u ask them to write in english, instead of a language noone understands except themselves, which is totally racist and disciminating towards non- russian speaking people. I recommend you guys to set some rules up, so evryone can understand evrybody and nobody has to be disciminized.
  6. Cleric bug while using hallowed strike

    maldito when u download the game, start launcher, click "check" it takes a while, after its done, start the game, it may give an error message, telling you to update the client, so you click on check again, if no errors or update messages, start game and check if problem is solved.
  7. Arguing about EXP r.

    Ridiculous how ppl already start crying around about rates... its PERFECT LIKE IT IS! STOP CRYING AND DO SOMTHING INSTEAD OF DEMANDING EVRYTHING FOR FREE!