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Everything posted by Arniboss

  1. Steelrose resetscrolls

    you seem like a reasonable and intelligent person i get your point and have to agree though the gap of rewards given from this event spreads further
  2. Steelrose resetscrolls

    Since you guys removed the resetscrolls (which is a real cool move, that shows you didn't nerf the event for cashgrap), it would only be fair - to remove the ability to use those scrolls during the event - so the people who allready bought tons of those scrolls haven't got that huge advantage
  3. Resolution problem at launch

    can someone try to fix this? ^^
  4. Resolution problem at launch

    got the same issue though i only got 2 screens and play on 1 fullscreen, if you go to graphics engine and set it to "default" you will still need to adjust the settings everytime you launch but at least the shifting of the cursor is gone