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Everything posted by aishi

  1. Gear

    Hi I'm a 65 level bard and I don't really know what gear I should start with and what specific dungeon to do first. I came back to this game and I forgot a lot so any help will be appreciated. <3
  2. Bard endgame

    Thanks a lot!
  3. Bard endgame

    Hi I'm a 65 lvl bard and I'm trying to gear up. Some time ago someone told me to just do sauro but I did it a lot and nothing has dropped for me (and my set is too bad for it). I have a lot of ancient coins so should I but ancient coin gear? Or can i buy some gear with kinah? And what's next? I'm not asking for a specific set, just want to know how to gear up and what instances do in the given order.
  4. Skirmisher set

    Hi, Do you know where to get fierce skirmisher set? And remodeled danuar harp?
  5. Skirmisher set

    Thx so much for your reply! And yes if you can, send me the locations.
  6. Gear

    thx but how do i get it?
  7. Katalamize

    Why isn't anybody doing katalamize????
  8. Endgame

    Well first I want to gear up in PVE
  9. Endgame

    Hi, this might be a dumb question but what should I do at lvl 65 asmo bard?
  10. Mana Stones

    Can someone tell me what manastones are the best for each class?
  11. Hi, I'm a new player so I'm curious about a couple things Does those coins that arre from some quests matter? Does those crafting scrolls (?) that are dropping from mobs matter? Is crafting etc. really important? What manastones are good for a bard? Sorry for my english .-.
  12. Inventory

    Thanks for help <3
  13. Inventory

    Hi, I have a problem with inventory slots So is there a way to get inventory slots without buying inventory keys? I know that this might be obvious but I'm new to this old aion thing