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Everything posted by Silencedez

  1. Recharger

    Dude same i need recharger
  2. I would like you to change the issue of faction skills and leave them both with them as I see the positive side and the idea of this server that is like the officers but I do not like the idea that everyone has different skills, Could you activate all the skills in the 2 factions? I would appreciate that freer gameplay since I don't think it's fair for some to be silent and others deadly.
  3. different skills in asmo or elyos

    There are no additional skills but if you do not agree with the idea you can go ahead
  4. different skills in asmo or elyos

    I have not said that they know or not the game I say that this affects an inequality in pvp when fighting with the other faction, for example assa vs assa one elyo and another asmodiano each with different skills that can not have a certain equality since one has silence and another has another deadly focus
  5. different skills in asmo or elyos

    this would be unbalanced