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Everything posted by berousing

  1. Hello, Been playing since the start of the server and stopped back in the day. Would like to play again, this time on Linux. i've read old posts, please avoid the straight answer "game is made for windos". I'm just whiling to know if some users succeeded to make it run on Linux either with proton/lutris or anything else. thank you in advance.
  2. returning player - Linux/Lutris

    Launcher works, we just need to install dotnet48. the game is known to be working using wine and dxvk. the anticheat however looks to be problematic, while they say it runs on linux, i doubt there's any chance to have it work with a wine game instance. damn, after 3 years i thought it may be possible xd.
  3. Dear EuroAion players, Staff, is my best friend since few weeks now. In fact i'm looking forward Execration of Pleasure Icy Fatal Execration of Pleasure and Icy Inescapable Execration of Pleasure i leveled alts specially for this, Ingisson, Besh, Rentus, some Tiamaranta areas. Dredgion is not trivial since i go as a pickup so ppl do not even mind to loot so it's not relevent. So after 40 or more hours farming all i get is only one Execration of Pleasure I guess i wasted all that time for nothing, maybe the mobs shown in aioncodex have a very low drop rate or something, but do you know what's the actual drop rate? Are there any areas/mobs that have higher drop rate ? i've never been lucky in games but never to this level. thank you all for your contribution.
  4. Balaur crafting materials drop rate

    1 month only 1 Execration of Pleasure 10M kinha in auction house. i can't believe, there's necessarily some bug somewhere.
  5. Balaur crafting materials drop rate

    Please, EuroAion Staff, I'm tired from creating characters just to run Besh everyday just for these materials, and so far after weeks of daily farming with 100% Loot i did not see a single Execration of Pleasure on any mob (Laksyaka mobs, Vehala mobs, Manadar mobs ..) May i kindly ask you, are they really implemented to be looted somewhere ? is there more favorable area to get them, i'm really tired from besh. thank you so much in advance.
  6. Stigma Shard

    "I just quoted by 1-2 frustrated people" i'm just laughing, always shit talk disguised into something well written. "made a few point how to get around with this difficulty in-game easily" "but everything cooked on table" "I just choose to ignore the insults" I'm not insulting you, i'm saying you're retarded. "because they don't want workarounds" To play another class or to respec once or two a week, get the hell out of here. "Pretty much I answered every possible questions" You don't suffer from this, ok, pass your way, don't come here to tell ppl to don't play the game, or they're OP if they get shards, or to go farm, or play dps once a week because you dont farm, you dont play cleric, are you even playing on the server after all ? Kisses
  7. Stigma Shard

    Sorry again, and this venerate veteran player is teaching us clerics "which in case of your class, it's 1-2 days a week". You remind me stuff like Professor Konoyaro is a skilled medium recognized worldwide, with 35 years of experience. Results are guaranteed in all areas within 72 hours, for an effective, rapid and final solution. Professor Konoyaro is a marabout specializing in the immediate return of your loved one, even in the most difficult cases. You never player cleric, wake up, i'm sure that you're the kind of player who never uses scrolls and food in instance. (and please, whisper me in game, rezuz, it's better then forums, at least i can BL you there)
  8. Balaur crafting materials drop rate

    New week hours of farm in besh and none of those seen as far i'm crying
  9. Gathering materials

    thanks DevWolx i know all the spots now it's crazy i used Aion codex many times and it never show me Katlam, lesson learnt always use US language, thanks again.
  10. Gathering materials

    Hi All, i'm looking for Ceramium Ore as far as i found out, there are few south of sillus fortress. And as far as i know there is no morphing design for them right ? thank you all for your contribution.
  11. Stigma Shard

    Konoyaro (everything is in the name) you just want to flood, lets all stop playing clerics. how can you compare the effort of making gear +15, of acquiring tempering solutions with just having stigma shards. "go somewhere else" lol and you ask ppl to be civilized. "now a few clerics wants to get wallet advantage to shit on player's " Ok, i don't know if you're on drugs, or if you are drunk or something, stigma shards, hello, the genius says we can shit on players using stigma shards boys, no need to grind gear any more. get some help ... "Yesterday I lost 12.5 million" Every single day i pay twice that price, to your UG farming gunner bot maybe. "The veteran players, including me are continuously monitoring shop content" We shall venerate you every day, that's a brilliant idea (i tried my best to hide my sarcasm). "The game was not designed for that, not for a cleric switching stigma trees multiple times a gear. The game was designed to make careful skill switch decisions. Stay on heal unless you are absolute needed on dps, which in case of your class, it's 1-2 days a week" And you're a game designer now? stupidity has no limits, drugs deals real damage. You're completely disconnected from this game, again, ignorance and indifference, server population is not comparable to retail, it make sense to double the drop rate on mobs for example. If people cannot even spec what they want they'll just leave the game (clerics know how hard to wait in sanctum/pande for something to happens when they're on heal). The truth is i believe you're just making cash from these shards (and i do not care) reason why you are trying to find bullish non sense arguments (ppl used to believe earth is flat). "For your closing: Koreans don't tend " For someone named "ass hole" in Japaness be careful when you say something about Asians, you are getting it all wrong. Kisses.
  12. Balance of Races

    We all hope, Silona siege was kinda pity yesterday ...
  13. Balance of Races

    We do not have any lean most of the time, and even of there's only Bind/Repack/Kisk location link ... it's just FFA. Just to be sure, Elyos and asmos are both being played by humans, i mean none of the factions are smarter then the other, they all the same, they all greedy, they all use Ap boost to get most rewards ... and even if they understand left and right i bet they'll do what they want and it's just the game. 4 weeks is .. one month, so one month full asmo .. one month full Eloys .. You're probably exaggerating a bit for UG (not saying the the population is not even, there's a need to attract more asmos no doubt), there are different spots that are occupied but different groupe (check my twitch yesterday video i got farmed by gunners there).
  14. Balance of Races

    when i started near two months everything was blue, asmos were dominating for at least 4 weeks. I think it's just the game, no one can have the control of the population since it's basically the choice of players to select one faction or the other, i did not attend any RVR for a week now since it's just boring AF. Sometimes also ppl get just demotivated, many times Elyos are just to attending RVR (asmo aswell i think).
  15. You cannot use Taloc Fruit

    I am the ugliest Aion player ... thanks mate. Topic to be closed (burned and deleted i'm ashamed ).
  16. You cannot use Taloc Fruit

    Hello, Never had this issue before, maybe i'm missing something. I cannot transform using <Taloc Fruit> (i can use AOE skill <Taloc's Tears> however, i tried while moving inside the entier zone (the bug was yesterday i was hoping for something to change maybe after reset but it's the same). Can someone help ? thanks
  17. Balaur crafting materials drop rate

    Thanks Tia that helps indeed, so i guess i've just been mega-unlucky, 40 hours for just one Execration of Pleasure ... i'll keep trying.
  18. Stigma Shard

    Thanks Tia, i really like the idea, IS is easy i used to solo heal it pre nerfs on the retail (players was over geared thou). But when fully geared (heal and dps wise i'm not there yet) and Socket with few healing boost manastone or if you are playing with friends (or organized players, or people you know they're geared) i mostly play with pickups for IS (i saw many with blue parts there), SWB PVE, RST and sometimes it's chaotic <Benevolence I> with it's 250 HB is a real breeze. Thanks again for taking your time to help.
  19. Stigma Shard

    I forget, konoyarô この野郎 means asshole in Japanese .. just forget to say.
  20. Stigma Shard

    Ok starting from this point it's just to answer, Dear M. Konoyaro "Than the player who can't or don't. It's called paying to be better with real money" It's not my fault if you were born a parrot, repeating meaningless slogans. I can argue with you a year, it won't make you smarter. There is strictly no advantages here, it's only about "strictly" being able to play or not (i.e you can't go to IS to heal with DPS build, shall i give more examples?). Many times a week i buy a stack of 10.000 stigma shards at 35M, it's almost every single day actually. Where's the equity here? on the retail there are way more players/bots that make these shit accessible to everybody. I do not honestly care if it is on the shop, there's a need to make them lower price it's the basic idea (I do not have any issue with shards on the shop, in the worst scenario it will help to keep this server alive, it's not Gameforge, it certainly a small group of people trying to leave with their passion, as far as there is NO advantages i will use my credit card to get these shards from the shop, and then, will i be over powered ? nah, i will just play the spec required for my group). dude since when changing spec is an advantage, and since when shards at 3700k/u is a normal omg a korean basic farming element if you're pewpew not ok aion is not for you, crazy. "Blah blah civilized manner blablah" You're crazy, your post offended me so hard, your ignorance and indifference gets the shit out of me. Calling saying bullish is not an insult it's a reality, it's not "swipe left swipe right" a picture, it's something that many players are really struggling with, it's an economical problem, while some have accessories +5 +6 some are just trying to respec and if they're not happy the game is not made for them? you want a constructed, civilized discussion here a quote "If you don't have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all". Give me one single constructive thing in the whole things you wrote, including "go farm". Ask your guild : i did, ask in /3 i did, go farm, i did but i can't farm 4h each day sorry. Slightly faster than farming with a chanter Dude, i'm talking about concrete thing, i'm a cleric, my SWB that i'm not able to attend anymore is at 18:00, i can manage to do KKM maybe after, then RVR at 22:00 i have to go DPS cause clerics also don't get anything 99.99 of the time in heal, then there are instances that require you to go heal (RST, Grendal). and i'm not even talking about Dredges It's a nightmare everyday. I'm not the poorest player on the server, other may be struggling more then me and i'm asking a small consideration for all of US. Cleric is high cost to gear, don't get confused, no one starts playing Aion with main objective to have the biggest stack of stigma shards. So please, if you would like not to make pple angry against you, keep the frozen meal far from your answers (go farm, ask legion, this game is not for you, final fantazy etc) Cheers
  21. Stigma Shard

    bulshit, bullshit and again bullshit. "this basic mechanic" " giving yourself advantage" "pay to win" we're talking about stigma shards dude, stigma shards, the white thing you use to change your stigma, what are the advantages i give to myself when i respec dps or heal as cleric ? or are you just copy pasting some shit from another forum without having any clue what we're talking about? "Ask your legion to help" you have no idea what i already tried before coming here to talk about this serious issue. "go farm" i'm tempted to be harsh here, but i'll stay nice. " Don't have time to farm" Ok, i used to farm 18 hours straight, my stream is there you can see me waisting 10 hours in the eye, that said, you really just lack any sort of good sense (not to say you're completely retarded). shall someone farm 4 hour / day to to change his stigma ? have you tried to farm as healing cleric ? comon. all the rest is still bulshit FF, we know Aion, i've been playing it since 1.7 you have nothing to teach anybody here. Stigma shards are shit, i was so pissed off that i havent played since 3 days spending 30 Million kinah / day will not make me progress anyhow.
  22. Let's talk about stigma shards

    No one cares about bots tbh or where the stigmas come from, we have human bots farming underground 24h24 both sides so even if you want to farm there's a lot of challenge. I saw another post from Rulai that lasts since end 2019 and i guess nothing gonna change.
  23. Stigma Shard

    God, i haven't read this before ... and "Why do you play a class, which needs unstopable kinah" just killed me. We play clerics because we are altruistic, no, seriously, common. mid 2020 and the prices are still the same.
  24. Character creation is giving me epilepsy

    Hi Create temporary character, login on it, go to graphics, change the engine to the default instead of high quality et voila. Good night
  25. Let's talk about stigma shards

    Hi I'm somehow happy that i'm not the only one suffering from this. i'm cleric and i have to switch at least twice a day, today their prices are 3700/u we need at least 3000 that's 22 Million daily just to change the stigmas two times. so big UP for K0LL3G3 his point is very valid.