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Everything posted by TheAlmighty

  1. Banned players

    Cheating: Noexp Tremors
  2. Помогите советом.

    Здравствуйте, У нас так делать нельзя. По крайней мере с нашим чистым клиентом.
  3. Уважаемые игроки! Нами были внесены дополнительные корректировки в работу дерадикона "Поле битвы Камара". Изменения затронули получение предмета "Усиленная бомба Бритры". Теперь получить бомбу можно только с ящиков, появляющихся в стартовой комнате данжа в самом начале отсчета времени. Ящики имеют некоторое количество хп и их необходимо разрушить для получения предметов (урон наносится по 1 ед.). В ящике лежат 3 бомбы. Бомбы идут в рол на альянс. С других монстров получить бомбы теперь невозможно, что убирает возможность победы с помощью большого количества этих предметов. Надеемся, что с данным изменением участие в дерадиконе станет более приятным. Спасибо за ваше внимание и приятной игры!
  4. How to buy cryptocurrency and donate to the server

    For now most of the players can simply donate using a bank card, however, some other would still need to use other methods. Please, be understanding to different situations.
  5. How to buy cryptocurrency and donate to the server

    Hello, It is made so long so it is detailed and useful for people who are new to cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, as said many times before, adding paypal back is not possible for many reasons.
  6. Вопрос будет решаться исключительно с самим игроком, как это и должно быть. Тема превратилась в спам, еще и спровоцированный (что вряд ли добавляет очки в пользу игрока ) Тема закрыта. Создатель темы может связаться с модераторами в личные сообщения.
  7. Может быть Вам и смешная, а нам потом будут приходить новые и новые жалобы.
  8. Так сначала были эмоции, а потом бан. И я слежу за своим языком, даже если злюсь.
  9. Правила прописаны прям здесь, на форуме. Советуем ознакомиться.
  10. Я бы уже была готова сменить наказание, но вот эта фраза все портит. У Вас наказаний на сервере - список А4. Почему мы должны регулярно заходить и выдавать Вам наказания? И почему игроки должны получать столько грязи? Вы оскорбляете игроков если не ежедневно, то еженедельно, и переключились на администрацию. Стоит ли нам ожидать, что такое поведение прекратится?
  11. Server balance

    Hello, Maybe it would have some reasoning it was from the start of the server, however, now it is too late for such actions. Plus, some people share one computer, share with family members, why would we ban them for it? And we cannot see how it may affect siege. If some players want charcaters on both sides, they will just make them. And many did it. And again, asmodians don't have this restriction as well as elyos.
  12. Aion Shugo Emperor Vault

    Hello, We will look into it when possible. Thank you for your suggestion!
  13. Server balance

    That's very same situation with the other side. We don't allow having 2 account for only one faction. No one says that we are happy that the players don't want to do anything, but what do you want us to do with it? As I wrote, admins are not going to lead siege for elyos and teleport them all to the forts, destroy gates for them, etc. Elyos do have enough people at siege as well as the asmos do. Just look at them on sillus when they stay there to get some GP from killing ALL attacking asmodians. They kill all the asmos without any problems. Though on the other hand, they could have used this time to capture another fortress, don't you think? That's what asmodians usually do. The other favourite thing for us to see is how half of the elyos just leave after 10 minutes fromt the start of the siege. Part of them leave because they are done, and the other part, sadly, because they have just lost one time and they are done. One for thing to notice: when the leader writes to go north, 70% of players just go south. This is usually followed with defeat and with even more players leaving the siege. I really don't see what you may expect from us in this situation. Asmodians have exactly the same conditions as elyos do. We are not supporting one side or another.
  14. [Competition] From your Valentine...

    Dear players, We've made a mistake in the translations for English and Russian users. The conditions for the works were different. Therefore we've decided to expand the conditions for the works, so everything will meed the requirements. All the published works are accepted without the need to change them! For this reason, the competition is prolonged for 3 days (until 25.02). The results will be announced on 27.02. We are sorry for inconveniences. Thank you for your attention and enjoy the game!
  15. Здравствуйте, Да, фильтры можно использовать, стикеры, лого сервера.
  16. Уважаемые игроки, нами была допущена ошибка в переводе условий конкурса для англоязычных и русскоязычных пользователей. Условия по работам были разные. По этому, нами принято решение расширить условия для работ, чтобы все соответствовали конкурсу. Все ваши опубликованные работы принимаются без необходимости каких-либо изменений! Исходя из этого мы продлеваем конкурс еще на 3 дня (до 25.02). Результаты конкурса будут объявлены 27.02 Просим прощения за предоставленные неудобства. Спасибо за внимание и приятной игры!
  17. не работает mmotop

    По поводу отсутствия голосов в ЛК ммотопа, могу только предположить, что у Вас несколько аккаунтов на ммотопе, и Вы вошли не в тот, с которого голосовали. Также прав пользователь выше: у ммотоп есть защита от накрутки, из-за чего некоторые голоса могут блокироваться. Если голоса отсутствуют в ЛК, то надо обращаться в поддержку самого ммотоп. Мы тут вряд ли сможем хоть как-то помочь, ведь мы не создавали этот сервис, а являемся его пользователями.
  18. Server balance

    We checked the situation quite recently and the only problem that we see is that some players just decide not to participate and not to unite. Right now the balance is 49 - 50. As you yourself wrote above Abyss siege, it is just not popular as for you, but anyway then you write to us here that elyos can't take the forts and the admins are to blame. Look at asmos, for some reason they don't have any problem with: -popular fortresses -interest in pvp -kisks (everyone can do that) -using artifacts (elyos have same access to them, just need to do the most important part - to unite). If there's imbalance in numbers, we will surely take actions, as we did that time in that topic that you have reffered to. GM's don't care? Our programmers will brobably be very happy to see such words after working all day on trying to fix the problems with ddos, trying to implement updates and fix the old problems. And by the way muted indefinitely for your previous message.
  19. Server balance

    Hello, As far as we can see, there's no different in online numbers on both sides. Please, check the reasons for that promotion better. It was made specifically for the number imbalance. The players now have equal numbers. If one side cannot unite, it is a completely different question.
  20. [Event] Happy Valentine's Day

    Hello, These wings are available on the server as drop from Moltenus.
  21. [Event] Happy Valentine's Day

    Hello, No, it doesn't reset the count. The time doesn't count in the dredgeons, but it doesn't get reset. So if you spent 1h in the dredgeons, it is -1h from your online time.
  22. не работает mmotop

    Здравствуйте, Перейдите, пожалуйста, на сайте ММОТОП в личный кабинет, и проверьте, были ли зачислены голоса в их сервисе. Если голосов там нет, то они не были зафиксированы и, соответственно, не были отправлены нам на сервер. Если голоса там есть, то пришлите скриншот мне в личные сообщения. Спасибо за сообщение и приятной игры!
  23. Aion Shugo Emperor Vault

    Unfortunately, no, I cannot provide such. It depends on many things. For now our main target is to set the defense system. Without it, nothing else will work good. Apart from that, we are currently working on the other updates and fixes. Some are already waiting to be uploaded. And depending on the event itself, time for implementation may differ a lot.
  24. Aion Shugo Emperor Vault

    Hello, This event is asked to be set by our players, and many of them do enjoy it. However, we are open for implementing new ones too. If you have some specific suggestions, you can post the links to the description of the events here and we will look if they are possible. For now it is hard to work on the new things while the server is under the attacks: all the efforts go on adjusting the defense system and tests. Nevertheless, we will check your ideas on this point as soon as possible! Thank you!
  25. Meet the best players in PvP events in the last season! Arena of Harmony: Argothon, Hakurin, Tendo Itsboring Payfun Arena of Glory: Argothon Tempent Zxy Arena of Discipline: Argothon Monky Anahk Arena of Chaos: Molekula Alischa Payfun Kamar Battlefield: Haru Maksymilian Tempent Ophidan Bridge: Tendo Maksymilian Itsboring Terath dredgeon: Mursi Dying Chyam All the users in the list receive the following rewards: 1st place - Large present box (includes 30 days items): 2nd place - Normal present box (15 days items): 3rd place - Small present box (7 days items): Everyone can fight to become the best PvP player in every category! The whole month is ahead! Show what you can! Let every player on the server to know your nickname!