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Everything posted by TheAlmighty

  1. Те, кто обратились с этой проблемой получили ценные вещи обратно.
  2. Dear players, Today we have encountered a mass "unauthorized access" to many game accounts. The quotation marks ("") are used on purpose. The accounts were accessed by entering correct login data (without being hacked). This happened due to the use of the same account information (username + password) on the other projects that seem to have nothing sacred. We have cleared up that the affected players used the same combination of password and username on the other Aion servers. We have warned about such risks before and are doing it now again. Never use the same username+password combinations on different projects! This situation is not new. The dishonest administration of the game projects use their databases to access the accounts on our server. We strongly recommend you to change your passwords right now! Thank you for your attention and enjoy the game!
  3. Встречайте лучших игроков PVP событий сервера за прошедший сезон! Арена покровительства: Pyrox Gokalo, Illollloolllolll, Payfun Elation Арена славы: Molekula Payfun Zitkunn Боевая арена доблести: Argothon Ankriss Shilin Боевая арена хаоса: Payfun Molekula Gokalo Поле битвы Камара: Ayah Jeex Verila Тоннель Йормунганда: Argothon Eneww Cycle Дерадикон Садх Linen Anishy Shynji Все пользователи из списка получили награды в виде: 1 место - Большая подарочная коробка (предметы на 30 дней): Полный премиум аккаунт на 30 дней: Увеличивает количество получаемых знаков на 1, 2, 3 Аренах на 30%. Увеличивает AP заработанные в PvP и PvE на 30%. Усиливает действие эффекта отдыха на 50% (влияет на получаемый опыт и дроп). Ускоряет восстановление энергии отдыха в 2 раза. [Титул] Прославленный мастер (30 дней). Уникальный титул который отсутствует в игровом магазине. Маг. защита в PvP+2% Физ. защита в PvP+2% Скор. атаки+4% Скор. магии+4% Скор. движ.+5 Льготы управляющего (30 дней) В случае гибели побочные эффекты воскрешения не применяются, очки опыта не теряются, а исцеление души, все полеты и телепорты стоят 1 кинар. При улучшенном исцелении души взимается дополнительная плата. Можно использовать в течение 30 дней. Ручной лев (30 дней): Скор. движ. 14.0 Скорость полета 16.0 Можно использовать быструю езду Скорость быстрой езды 16.0 Время полета/сек. -1.0 Boost Drop Pack (30 days) Увеличивает шанс дропа на 100% когда Boost Drop Pack находится в инвентаре. 2 место - Небольшая подарочная коробка (предметы на 15 дней): Полный премиум аккаунт на 15 дней: Увеличивает количество получаемых знаков на 1, 2, 3 Аренах на 30%. Увеличивает AP заработанные в PvP и PvE на 30%. Усиливает действие эффекта отдыха на 50% (влияет на получаемый опыт и дроп). Ускоряет восстановление энергии отдыха в 2 раза. [Титул] Друг Мунина (15 дней). Скор. движ.+5 Скор. атаки+3% Скор. магии+3% Макс. HP+500 Льготы управляющего (15 дней) В случае гибели побочные эффекты воскрешения не применяются, очки опыта не теряются, а исцеление души, все полеты и телепорты стоят 1 кинар. При улучшенном исцелении души взимается дополнительная плата. Можно использовать в течение 15 дней. Ручной лев (15 дней): Скор. движ. 14.0 Скорость полета 16.0 Можно использовать быструю езду Скорость быстрой езды 16.0 Время полета/сек. -1.0 Boost Drop Pack (14 days) Увеличивает шанс дропа на 100% когда Boost Drop Pack находится в инвентаре. 3 место - Маленькая подарочная коробка (предметы на 7 дней): Полный премиум аккаунт на 7 дней: Увеличивает количество получаемых знаков на 1, 2, 3 Аренах на 30%. Увеличивает AP заработанные в PvP и PvE на 30%. Усиливает действие эффекта отдыха на 50% (влияет на получаемый опыт и дроп). Ускоряет восстановление энергии отдыха в 2 раза. Льготы управляющего (7 дней) В случае гибели побочные эффекты воскрешения не применяются, очки опыта не теряются, а исцеление души, все полеты и телепорты стоят 1 кинар. При улучшенном исцелении души взимается дополнительная плата. Можно использовать в течение 7 дней. Ручной лев (7 дней): Скор. движ. 14.0 Скорость полета 16.0 Можно использовать быструю езду Скорость быстрой езды 16.0 Время полета/сек. -1.0 Boost Drop Pack (7 days) Увеличивает шанс дропа на 100% когда Boost Drop Pack находится в инвентаре. Каждый из Вас может побороться за звание лучшего PVP игрока в каждой из категорий! Впереди целый месяц - покажите всем на что вы способны! Пусть ваши ники узнает каждый игрок сервера!
  4. Meet the best players in PvP events in the last season! Arena of Harmony: Pyrox Gokalo, Illollloolllolll, Payfun Elation Arena of Glory: Molekula Payfun Zitkunn Arena of Discipline: Argothon Ankriss Shilin Arena of Chaos: Payfun Molekula Gokalo Kamar Battlefield: Ayah Jeex Verila Ophidan Bridge: Argothon Eneww Cycle Terath dredgeon: Linen Anishy Shyanji All the users in the list receive the following rewards: 1st place - Large present box (includes 30 days items): 2nd place - Normal present box (15 days items): 3rd place - Small present box (7 days items): Everyone can fight to become the best PvP player in every category! The whole month is ahead! Show what you can! Let every player on the server to know your nickname!
  5. Здравствуйте, Они всегда включаются каждые выходные автоматически.
  6. ддосы

    опять дудосы(
  7. Banned players

    Pitstop - cheats
  8. Drop is miserable

    As I said, the rates are same as on retail. I am sorry, but we cannot keep x2 rates permanently. About the bot, sorry, I cannot see any topic regarding bots in your activity.
  9. Happy Halloween

    The most terrible night of autumn, Halloween, is Approaching This night Pumpkin King wakes up and all his henchmen gather for a celebration in his honor For the whole year the King was sleeping, he has weakened, and to regain the strength he needs as many [Event] Pumpkin Lollipops as possible. Settled in the capital, the King, along with his assistant began to distribute tasks, and those, who perform them successfully, will be rewarded. The king will not stay in this world for long and you can only complete his tasks from 28.10.2022 until 06.11.2022 (inclusive) Where can the quests be obtained from? Elyos 1) Quests from the Pumpkin King Minis Charming witch quests Blair Asmodians 1) Quests from the Pumpkin King Tali Charming witch quests Witchta What are the rewards for the quests? 1) Pumpkin King Quests [Event] Jack O' Lantern [Event] Pumpkin King's Present Box [Event] Pumpkin Pouch From the box and the pouch you can get many useful items: scrolls, enchantment stones, potions, manastones... There is also a special chest with a surprise. Charming witch quests Harvest Ravel Ale box: ale =) and jelly for 2000 or 4000 DP [Event] Sugarcrook's Pack: "Enchanting Sorcerer Robe" Suite (and all its components), gold and silver medals, paints, reviving stones, scrolls, magic items and other. [Event] Witchy Mystery: the same, but the chance of getting medals, skins and manastones increases. [Event] Witch's Bundle: manastones and enchantment stones, Cotton/Velvet Sorcerer Robe, Enchanting Sorcerer Robe (all components) [Event] Witch's Surprise: manastones and enchantment stones, Cotton/Velvet Sorcerer Robe, Enchanting Sorcerer Robe (all components) [Event] Witch's Hoard: manastones and enchantment stones, Cotton/Velvet Sorcerer Robe, Enchanting Sorcerer Robe (all components) [Event] Witch's Sack: manastones and enchantment stones, Cotton/Velvet Sorcerer Robe, Enchanting Sorcerer Robe (all components) White magic stones, enchantment stones of lvl 45 and lover, scrolls l and ll, low level food were removed from the bags. Skins (suits and hats) can be worn by any class "time counter" for 7-days pass items starts only after using them as appearance on the armor. Pumpkin Hat Cotton/Velvet Sorcerer Robe Enchanting Sorcerer Robe (all components) "Time counter" for temporary items Attention! The items can be stored in the inventory for only 1 day! The holiday should be remembered by everyone! So the king of pumpkins decided that whoever shows the most "vivid memories" will be rewarded. Daevas, your task is to create videos, screenshots from the game, or even show your real Halloween-themed photos. It can be staged scenes with your friends An eerie view from the window Selfies with scary monsters, etc. The material can be processed with photoshop 1 player can provide several works (in one message) The screenshots must be made on the server Euroaion and must contain the logo of our server The screenshots must be made without interface (f12) The works must be posted in spoiler Profane language is prohibited The use of other peoples' works is prohibited. Those caught on plagiarism will be disqualified. For evidence Screenshots, photos and Videos are accepted! The contest will last until 13.11.2022. Prizes: 1st winner - 3000 ECoins + 5 tempering solutions + 1 remodel item (wings,suit or set)+ 1 permanent mount from the new update on your choice 2nd winner - 2000 ECoins + 3 tempering solutions + 1 remodel item (wings,suit or set) 3rd winner - 1500 ECoins + 1 tempering solution The topic for submission of works for the competition. Save the beautiful Princess Ariate from the clutches of the evil circus director Nightmare Lord Heiramune! [Event] The Nightmare Circus For the celebration of Halloween, the range of the game store has been updated! A new category "Halloween" with various products on the theme of the holiday was added. "Halloween" category (These products will only be available in the store until 20.11.2022 (inclusive)!) Wish you fearful hikes!
  10. [Event] Nightmare Circus

    The Nightmare Circus The event is in progress from 28.10 until 06.11 (inclusive) Osaye was sitting on the floor of her room turning inside out a huge teddy bear, once given to her by the Wild Tayga. The young lady had almost taken out all the hay from the toy animal, when someone knocked on the door. Biting irony - that very ranger who once made the present was standing at the doorway. - Hey, what are you doing? What have I done? What put you in such a rage, that you are eviscerate my present so furiously? – Tayga was seriously puzzled. - I can explain it. My friend is in trouble. - What friend? Does she eat hay?! - Princess IU. The evil Nightmare Lord Heiramune kidnapped her and hid in his cursed circus. One can only get there in the form of a bear... Will you help me? The girl's eyes were preying for help. The ranger was on the point of a sigh, when he imagined recklessly piercing the circus actor with an arrow and then basking in love and gratitude from the ladies. The decision was made. All that remained was to find one more bear to wear its coat... For the event a special dungeon is open: You can get into the instance with the NPCs. Arika (Sanctum) Saia (Pandaemonium) To enter the Nightmare Circus you must meet 2 requirements: - You must be in group with all the characters of level 30+; - You must finishe the 1-time entry quest - "A Hallowed Eve" (Talk with the NPC Arika or Saia). After finishing the dialog you will get Cursed Circus Box. The box contains one Circus Card: Harlequin, which can only be usen inside the dungeon. The card can be traded and sold. You can also receive it from [Event] Yume's Regard. Quests: Inside the dungeon you will get another 1-time quest from the NPC Dana: " [Event] Assault on the Nightmare Circus". The reward is Rukibuki Circus Troupe Bonus Entry Scroll. The scroll is tradeable, Reuse Time: 1s Скрыть контент After finishing the quest "[Event] Assault on the Nightmare Circus" you'll be able to get another repeated quest "[Event] Into the Nightmare" giving Dream-Gilded Key. Your target is to defeat Rukibuki 10 times. The quest is repeatable. Walkthrough: After entering the dungeon you will be turned into a Khum-gom (a bear). And you will get plus 500 000 points to your HP. Additional information: Equipment is of no meaning in the dungeon, you can go without any gear at all. All your skills will be inactive. The use of food, drinks and scrolls in the dungeons is not possible. All the used buffs will be removed upon entry. The only buffs active are mantras of the chanter, activated before entering the dungeon, strengthened running, awakening and courage scrolls, scrolls for physical and magical crit. strike. However the only actively functioning scroll in the dungeon is the running scroll, as in the transformation all the skills have fixed attack and casting speed, fixed damage. Khum-gom skills: Additional information: The skill "Renewed Vigor" works only near the IU's cage placed in the center of the square. It affects you and all your group members staying not further than 37 meters away from IU. It's recommended to use this skill one by one or on the agreement in the voice connection, depending on the situation.= Harlequin transformation: After using the Curcus Card received from the quest, a personal harlequin will appear. His name is "Nightmare Harlequin", which can only be used and seen by the summoner (you). After callimg summoning the harlequin, you must talk with him in order to get the power of the nighmare. After receiving the power, you will be transformed into a Jester. And you will get plus 1 000 000 points to your HP. Jester skills: The dungeon is separated in the 3 main action zones: 1 - Ariate's Cage - healing 2 - Left monsters trail 3 - Right monsters trail Guide: 1. After entering the dungeon we become the bears, but for a successful run we will need the Jesters. 2. Separate into 2 teams. 3. In the middle of the dungeon you'll see the IU's cage with a chain on it. Destroy the lock to begin (The quest will be update for the whole group). After breaking the chains you'll be shown a short movie, which can be skipped, as the monsters will already appear and start moving to you. Rukibuki will arrive in 4min 45sec after the lock was broken. 4. There's no map in the dungeon Here's the approximate location of the needed objects. 5. The first team deals with the monsters on the left (2nd trail) and the other on the right (3rd trail). You can catch the monsters right in the start of the trail. It's necessary to sometimes run to the IU's cage (1) as during the whole time she heals by 40 700 HP and using the skill Renewed Vigor you'll be healed for some amount of HP at once and then receive more heals periodically. 6. After the two-minute fight with the monsters, you'll get a message about the arrival of Mistress Viloa (a very loved Madame Bovariki. She has just preened herself a bit and got a "cat paw" weapon) 7. The group has 50 seconds to kill her. If you kill her fater, you can go for heal to the cage. As soon as Mistress Viloa is defeated, the second boss will appear right away. If you didn't meet the time requirement for killing her, she wil just disappear, letting the second boss to come. His name is Harlequin Lord Reshka. It's not necessary to take the loot from the defeated Mistress Viloa right away. She will not disappear till the end of the dungeon. So as soon as you defeated her, start attacking Harlequin Lord Reshka. 8. You have 1 min and 30 sec to defeat Harlequin Lord Reshka, after that he will disappear or die by himself. During the fight, 12 magical circus boxes will appear. 9. The boxes must be destroyed as fast as possible, and at the same time you must continue attacking the boss. If the boxes are not destroyed in time, they will let many and many monsters out. 10. After the red boxes are destoyed, there will be new ones, of blue color. They must be destroyed same quickly. So 1-2 players should deal with the boxes, while the others hit the boss. If you do not meet the time requirements on killing Mistress Viloa and Harlequin Lord Reshka, they will disappear and you will be left without the treasure keys sack. 11. Right after defeating Harlequin Lord Reshka, the main boss Nightmare Lord Heiramune will arrive: Mark him as during the battle he will summon his twin and other monsters. 12. Nightmare Lord Heiramune summons by 2 monsters on every trail (2nd and 3rd). The monsters are weak, so if you stay close to the cage, they will not harm anyone and will be defeated by the mass attacks. 13. As soon as the group defeats Nightmare Lord Heiramune, you will be shown the second short movie and the present boxes will spawn. There will be 3-7 bigger boxes (elite), requiring 3 keys for opening and 18 small boxes, requiring 1 key. The keys can be received for finishing the quest "[Event] Into the Nightmare/[Event] Nightmare Lord Heiramune's Conspiracy Continues", from Nightmare Lord Heiramune, from the sacks of Mistress Viloa and Harlequin Lord Reshka or by uniting 3 pieces of the key. 14. Loot the bosses. 15. Open the crates. Loot from the bosses and chests: Mistress Viloa Yume Summoning Lamp (15 days) First personalized key sack - 1pcs (for every player in the group) The sack randomly drops: "Dream-Gilded Key" "Key part №1" "Key part №2" "Key part №3" 3 parts of the key can be combined into 1 The key sack randomly drops key parts (1,2,3) and all three parts can be combined into 1 key. It is also possible to get 1-3 whole keys. Key parts aren't tradeable and they will disappear after leaving the dungeon. Whole keys will also disappear as soon as you leave the circus. Harlequin Lord Reshka Yume Summoning Lamp (15 days) First personalized key sack - 1pcs (for every player in the group) The sack randomly drops: "Dream-Gilded Key" "Key part №1" "Key part №2" "Key part №3" 3 parts of the key can be combined into 1 Nightmare Lord Heiramune Dream-gilded key - 1 pcs. 100% - rolled between the players [Event] Consumables Bundle (for every group member) Administrator's Boon – 1-Time Pass [Event] Scroll Bundle Dye: True White Dye: True Black Major Ancient Goblet Nightmare Crate (1 key): [Event] Yume's Regard Yume Summoning Lamp (7 days) Helper Pixie Egg (15 days) [Event] Consumables Bundle [Event] Idian Bundle [Event] Heroic Godstone Bundle I [Event] Superior Manastone Bundle Administrator's Boon – 1-Time Pass (1h.) Healthy Polar Bear Transformation Candy Box Major Ancient Crown [Event] Scroll Bundle Dye: True White Dye: True Black L110 Enchantment Stone [Event] Consumables Bundle Greater Nightmare Crate (3 keys): Tempering Solution IU's Mythic Weapon Tuning Scroll IU's Mythic Armor Tuning Scroll Dynatoum's Brazen Weapon Box [Event] Fabled Godstone Bundle [Event] Yume's Regard [Event] Consumables Bundle [Event] Idian Bundle Helper Pixie Egg (15 days) Yume Summoning Lamp (15 days) Administrator's Boon – 1-Time Pass (1h.) Healthy Polar Bear Transformation Candy Box Major Ancient Crown [Event] Scroll Bundle Dye: True White Dye: True Black Lv. 120 Enchantment Stone
  11. Drop is miserable

    Hello, The rates for enchanting and dropping are the same as on the official. We haven't changed them. The price I think doesn't only depend on this factor. Surely the server has too much kinah on it and therefore we are making some changes for this part. Regarding the bots, please, feel free to record and report them. We always take actions against such 'players' but we cannot know about them unless they are reported.
  12. Баны

    Отношение админов к игрокам... я к Вам обращаюсь на Вы, а Вы к админам вот так вот
  13. Баны

    Я Вам отписала в игре. Тут отвечаю на этот вопрос в последний раз: если у Вас жалоба на игрока, отправляйте нам жалобу, а не эту грязь в чат. Полезные ссылки: Правила сервера (там написано про оскорбления) - тык Недавние баны за читы - тык Подать жалобу - тык и тык Тема будет закрыта, так как отвечать тут более нечего. Персонажи забанены за:
  14. Banned players

    Cheats: Loraine Isadora Gloria Adelia Adaline Teona Loreen Ranessa Roxana Silana Belubakrama Mileena
  15. Cheats: Loraine Isadora Gloria Adelia Adaline Teona Loreen Ranessa Roxana Silana Belubakrama Mileena
  16. Еще один список читеров (и/или их аккаунтов) Zxctry Sabininamama Mooooonpf Hasaner Hasbik Kauysha Nonamenpc Sankels Lifeflame Rlp Keksikleafy Ouzehtoy Qianxi Reficulay
  17. Banned players

    More cheaters (and/or their twink accounts): Zxctry Sabininamama Mooooonpf Hasaner Hasbik Kauysha Nonamenpc Sankels Lifeflame Rlp Keksikleafy Ouzehtoy Qianxi Reficulay
  18. Donate with paypal

    Hello, We cannot add paypal to the payment systems on the website because of many reasons. It is not like we don't want it, we actually would be happy to add it. What is written above is done with a private account and this account cannot be connected to any payment system to be represented on the website, as well as we cannot do it 24/7 for every player (there is also life and other job around).
  19. Уважаемые игроки, Мы давно не обновляли эту тему, но стоит указать некоторые имена, чтобы дать вам понять: читеры банятся. Список забаненных за читы за последние несколько дней: Dongfeng Wiloneza Kaniols Sarkeeeeeeeeeeee Shevikiller Nshytenb Badboyyyyyyy Hawx Moooooonpf
  20. Banned players

    We have not updated this topic for some time now. However we have to post this list to show that cheaters are getting caught and banned: Dongfeng Wiloneza Kaniols Sarkeeeeeeeeeeee Shevikiller Nshytenb Badboyyyyyyy Hawx Moooooonpf
  21. Доброго времени суток уважаемые игроки! 21.10 в 09:00 по МСК, сервер будет отключен для выполнения технических работ. Время недоступности сервера 30-90 минут! До встречи в игре!
  22. Maintenance 21.10.2022

    Hello, dear players! 21.10 at 8:00 am server time, the server will be unreachable due to the maintenance. Works will last around 30-90 minutes! Thank you for your attention and see you later in game!