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Everything posted by TheAlmighty

  1. Money is never too much!

    Hello, dear players! I'm writing to you with a favorable offer for both parties You have only 3 days to buy donation coins 20% cheaper than it will be from the 20th of this month! What is it and why: We're trying to attract the maximum number of players to the server. I'm sure we're all interested in this. We have already invested quite a big amount of money in the server, but as the topic is called "Money is never too much", as well as advertising. And advertising is quite a costly affair. We would like to do even more advertising, and for this even more money is needed. In this view, we are launching a sale! on the 17th, 18th, 19th of September, the value of donation coins is by 20% lower than it will be on the 20th and further! All funds received in this way will be spent on advertising in order to attract even more players! We will be eternally grateful to those who decide to support the server before the start! P.S. You can make a donation in your game profile on the site. For this, enter the desired number of coins and click "Donate": The cost of 1 coin including 20% discount is $0.016. So, 100 coins is 1.6$, 1000 coins is 16$, etc. After the end of the promotion 1000 coins will cost $20
  2. [Alliance] Colossal Chaos Doesn’t Count

    Hello, Please, try to make the quest one more time. Did this happen to every participant of the aliance? Pr only to you? Do you all use the same localisation of the client? If it is possible, let anyone switch the client to english when making this quest. And I can see other players on the screenshot, was there another aliance? If yes, then probably you just made less damage than another aliance.
  3. wrappling scroll

    Can be both traded and sent by post
  4. В любом случае, получается, что те мешки, на которые вы жалуетесь, на самом деле и не должны содержать этот камень.
  5. Однако предметы старых версий есть. А чтобы прислать нам название мешка, не обязательно оперировать глубоким клиентом. Раз не доверяете базе, то давайте доказательства наличия в этом мешке камня другим способом. Мы клиент не изменяли. Если бы он должен был там быть, то был бы.
  6. Хорошо, тогда берем в пример первый попавшийся в датабазе. Если вы просмотрите все содержимое мешка, то указанный вами камень в нем и не должен содержаться.
  7. Здравствуйте, какой именно мешок вы имеете в виду?
  8. Transfer to Elyos Side

    Hello, there won't be transfer of character to another faction. If the situation gets too bad, we would better close register for asmo.
  9. wrappling scroll

    Hello, yes, you will need one scroll. You can check if the item can be wrapped in the attributes of this item.
  10. Nickname of the another player?
  11. Hard stuck in a hill

    Hello, nickname? We can't help without it, no how.
  12. What decided this version of the game?

    Hello, We have this version fully retail like, it's not broken by modifications and so on, it is built as it was made by the developers. Also characters and skills are good balanced, which is a plus for this version. In spite that many players like really old versions, this one is also favorite for many and many users
  13. Castor Bug Solution

    Hello, please, send your nickname to me in PM
  14. Multilenguaje

    Hola,Estamos terminando los trabajos en la versión en español y necesitamos algo de ayuda para probarlo. Si está dispuesto a ayudarnos, haga lo siguiente: Instrucciones de lanzamiento: Descargue el archivo en Abra la carpeta EuroAion \ L10N Eliminar todos los archivos y carpetas de las carpetas trk y 2_trk Abrir archivo descargado Mueva los ARCHIVOS y CARPETAS de la carpeta esn a la carpeta trk De la carpeta 2_esn a la carpeta 2_trk En el lanzador elige turco Comienza el juego Si encuentra algún error en el juego o en la traducción, contáctame: Gracias por la ayuda!
  15. Reducing Kaiden Strength (reward)

    Hello, On this version of the game all the skills are added to the character automatically, you don't need to learn books for them. This is why some of the quests are also changed.