So let me remind what's really happen
he is been an assasin with 2 cleric
we die on every both a lot of time like ( 3/4 time on every boss )
we recruit a Gunner ( who is really nice atm " pistolero" his is name )
i got 4KK dps on meter , kernue the ranger got 3.8kk the Gunner ( coming at drake boss) got 1.6KK dps
Been got 800k on the entire Sauro !!!!
we use abbysal pot on every boss for not dying and we kite every boss cuz even with 2 Cleric if i don't kite every boss i die we carry the entire sauro by 3 Ppl we do 2 boss without any heal just kite and pot healing
so on last boss we take box and give it to the Gunner the ranger and myself
evern on last boss of sauro we do it without healing and kite the boss for entire time
and Btw all is stream so you can check easily what i say Korean = Nightmare ( i speak about the legion not the countries ) everytime you got a guys from korean on your pvp / PVE thing he gonna fail and be ussless so know they are all blacklisted and not only from our legion ask LFG you will see what people think
when you recruit for get carried and you ninja all the loot in instance from past boss you got 3 eternal and keep rolling don't be surprise and don't put yourself to victim position
Thx cya