Other servers have also done very well without being elitist servers, if others can manage to lower the price of Surgery Tickets so can EuroAion, it's not like a Surgery Ticket is in the top-10 most bought item anyway. Giving the players a way to easily and/or perhaps freely have a chance to avoid re-rolling is called a good service, as the game naturally lacks a way of saving presets.
I'm not asking to give all Surgery Tickets away, I'm asking for a one-time limited gift that players can use only once (let's say at Lv10) to adjust their character, an untradable ticket that expires within a day... If you mean that the server would not survive with such a gift in action, it would sound like EuroAion is in a rly bad shape and I'd urge you guys to start over, just saying.
Adding such a ticket should not to be too complicated, and it would be a great service to the community - sparing them from re-rolls in early game. Personally I think a refusal of such a ticket would actually do more damage than adding it, and it would be a stupid choice.
There's something called "the neighborhood effect", at least that's what we call it where In my country... The concept builds upon the idea that people talk, they talk about their days and places they visited with friends, their family, and ofc neighbors (hence the name) and/or perhaps even share their day on social media. The question is, what are they going to talk about? Let's say they visited a store today, are they going to advice people to go there, or they're going to advice people to avoid that place?
What I'm trying to say here, is that doing your community this service of adding a ticket one can use or chose to disappear does not mean you'll lose money, but the good service provided can help attracting more people eventually leading to more customers/players... Happy players.
Completely disregarding this suggestion the way you guys do will eventually lead to players lost, perhaps more than me, and some bad reputation as sugar on top where I'm the person who advice people to avoid EuroAion as I leave for another server because my experience with EuroAion was bad.
There's actually a WIKI page about it, and a book even.
I'm trying to give you guys a good advice here so that more people wants to join... Getting me upset about my services here making me leave for other servers surely won't help the growth of your server as the natural effect would be that I'll advice people not to join this server - naturally as any person would in my position. I'm a noob here, so I have nothing to lose.
So how's the neighborhood effect in this case gonna turn out?