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  1. [Event] Balaur's Treasures

    I think the Shugo Tombstone is the best event for "lower geard players". This events are just like Max geard vs Low geard player.
  2. No action taken against aethertapping bots!?

    Yes its allowed. I was reporting some bots few month ago. GM say its allowed and they will do nothing. I quit this server, sadly because the server had potential.

    Dont waste your time i was playing on this server few Months ago. And i open a thread same as you do about Stigma shards. I was Cleric main and its not possbile to switch all day between Heal and DMG or like PVP Build. I mean im looking week by week how the server is going. And from 2k+ Players to 1k players say something.
  4. Duel Countdown

    Is it possible to set the duel countdown to 5 Seconds? I dont know what you acutally can change about the system
  5. Stigma Shard

    @rulai Vergiss es, interessant das du damals hier ein Post gemacht leider nicht mitbekommen da ich erst seit Januar spiele. Den juckt das gar nicht mit den Shards hab schon 10x versucht mit denen zu reden. Glaube die kapieren nicht was das Problem ist. Habs aufgeben und bin mit Lynnn nur noch auf DMG und switche nur wenn es wirklich notwendig ist auf Heal (z.B Runadium)
  6. stigma shard

    Nobody say that you have to add this on the Shop. You can add some Quest, Drops (Bags) in instances. Do you see how many players are frustraded about these fcking shards?