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3 Neutral

    I've never seen something so obvious in the five years I've been on the server, hahahahahaha it has no shame.
  2. Makarna

    I think implementing Makarna would be a good idea, and as mentioned it could also come in handly with the feature of evolving the Hyperion set and all that goes with it, as well as implementing the IO hard mode. This would make a difference in the server taking it to another level. Now, is it really possible? Considering that Makarna was implemented with version 4.8 where the classes were tweaked, it may not be compatible with the skill settings that are in 4.6 , Makarna's difficulty level if I remember correctly was higher than SWB and IS. I understand that most players today are very well equipped in terms of dps due to years of EuroAion and that maybe enough to be able to do the dungeon, but what about the support classes and I remark again the skill setup in 4.8, like clerics, chanters and even SW in 4.8 are more dynamic in healing and are more prepared for the Makarna instance.
  3. Balance

    That's the problem, even dominating the character loses sense, imagine you are a gladiator, and you meet a sm that kills you just using his 4 fear skills. Or a gunner blows you up with two cannon shots because his damage is ridiculous, where is the balance? What's the point of mastering your character if you're going to find yourself in situations where you can't do anything. Do you want another example? Imagine a songweaver, what's the point of being well equipped and mastering your character if the class is the most useless in jcj? What's the point of being a good songweaver if people are going to pass on you because they prefer another magic class regardless of the set? You're up against a Tech and you're going to look like an idiot when you see that your skills don't come in because the AT class resists your skills because it wants to. Dude for some reason the classes I mentioned were tweaked in later patches. You probably don't feel this problem because you don't play jcj so you don't experience the stress and frustration of imbalance. And another thing, the synapse, THEY SHOULD IMPLEMENT A FUNCTION WHERE EVERYONE CAN USE THE SYNAPSIS SYSTEM, AS IT GIVES A MUCH ADVANTAGE TO WHOEVER HAS IT AGAINST ANOTHER PERSON WHO DOESN'T HAVE IT .
  4. Balance

    Time proved this post right , the list of best players full of gunners , and it is the most used class. In the end you were absolutely right. Today year 2025 the imbalance between classes is very noticeable.
  5. Possible Update ??

    Hello, I understand what you say but suppose you want to upgrade the server to 4.7 or 4.8 is it possible to make the change? I do not mean to modify the patch 4.6 rather it would be to move directly to the next version that is possible? I think it would be a great novelty for euroaion players and more for the old ones that don't play anymore or enter from time to time to pass the time the truth would bring more life to the server.
  6. It is not true that it is the same probability, last year at least doing Udas and Rajsang you could easily get 3 temp. Today doing a total of 10 runs I barely got 1. People are not stupid and they realize it.
  7. Bard class discussion

    I have noticed that there are no active bards in pvp, in sarpan there are almost none, and most people I ask prefer a thousand times any magic class over a bard. Why is there almost no bard in the list of best players in the EuroAion page? I have come to the conclusion that a bard in this patch is garbage unfortunately.
  8. Bard class discussion

    Hello, I want to raise an issue related to the bard class, reading on the Discord server and testing the class in this patch I have come to the conclusion that it is the worst if not one of the weakest classes when it comes to PVP. Reading comments in the exclusive channel of Bards players most of them notice that the class needs several adjustments, I guess that is not possible since the patch 4.6 is programmed as we know it, however I would like to know if at some point they thought at least try to compensate a little to that class giving the full set of army2, ie that the bard does not have to use a glove level 50 for lack of attack speed and change the property of the army2 glove to oterga attack speed and so also with the other armor for pve . Analyzing the classes you can see how the AT and Gunners are very strong compared to the others, and analyzing the list of best players in 1v1 arena almost no bard appears and for example the Gunners abound leaving in sight the clear superiority. Is it possible that they can compensate for this small "error" in the bard's gloves? I asked several people about the bard class and many agree that even in part they are a little "discriminated" because when it comes to build pvp groups the bard is almost the last option as well as many add the Ranger as a weak class, it's a little demotivating the truth. I would like to know what you and other players think. TY
  9. [Event] Beritra Treasures

    Muchas gracias por escuchar a los jugadores, se nota la mejora en el evento.
  10. [Event] Beritra Treasures

    In my opinion this event is the least attractive of all, not only is it boring and tiring but it is very complicated to get a good reward. I spent two hours turning in circles in the area to barely be able to get 2 chest of which I only got two l100 , the pvp is not good is annoying, doing pvp to be able to keep the chest is useless , besides dealing with the players of the opposite side you also have to deal with the players of the same side. The point is that it requires a lot of time for probably nothing . It does not motivate the pvp nor the system of how the chests are distributed, and all that makes even some classes are at a disadvantage as I notice how the assassin class abounds, poor bards or sorcers that take a long time to break the chest to steal it on top of that. Because that is another point against the system of giving 1 point hits is horrible. It is not even at all and as I said before it is a waste of time. And to close, I think it's time to bring new things to the server, every year is the same to the point that players prepare to take advantage of the events that are worthwhile and then leave. People want new things, they want new content and I'm not just talking about skins, if this continues with the same monotony as always the server will end with half of the current players. Make the game attractive. I think I speak for many when I say it's time to innovate. Thanks