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Everything posted by kadlek

  1. Same problem for me :-(
  2. Connexion issue

    Dear team, I'm playing since end of 2019 without problem, but since today I've problem to connect me on the server. I have this screen: "cant' connect to server"; and if I try to push play, I've this error message: "error: can't connect server! 1". You can see two screen below. I see that this issue was already present in this topic: https://forum.euroaion.com/topic/264-no-server-connection/. But I was unable to find a solution. It's not an internet connexion problem (Internet was working at this time), and it's not a server issue (it was during siege and I know that server was on). Could you please help me? Thanks a lot :-)
  3. Hello all, I'm Elyos, level 56, and I'm trying to begin the quests for the Daevanion level 56 set. The first quest is "The First Special Mission": http://aiondatabase.net/en/quest/19637/ But when I talk to Outremous in Inggison, he don't give me the quest. Do you have any idea why? Is there some things to do before to be able to receive this quest? Thanks for the help!! Kadlek
  4. Quest: "The First special mission"

    Thanks TheAlmighty. Yes, he has already gived some quests, but not this one. And right now he gives only 2 news quests: the yellow one "Assault on Tiamaranta" and the darkblue one "Supplies Party". And the same things happened with the Daevanion level 46 set in Theobomos: Atropos has not gived the quest "A request for Atropos" => this is why I was thinking that I have a do something before to unblock these quests.