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Posts posted by kadlek

  1. Dear team,

    I'm playing since end of 2019 without problem, but since today I've problem to connect me on the server.  I have this screen: "cant' connect to server"; and if I try to push play, I've this error message: "error: can't connect server! 1". You can see two screen below.

    I see that this issue was already present in this topic: https://forum.euroaion.com/topic/264-no-server-connection/.

    But I was unable to find a solution.  It's not an internet connexion problem (Internet was working at this time), and it's not a server issue (it was during siege and I know that server was on).

    Could you please help me?  Thanks a lot :-)




    code 1.png

  2. Thanks TheAlmighty. 

    Yes, he has already gived some quests, but not this one.  And right now he gives only 2 news quests: the yellow one "Assault on Tiamaranta" and the darkblue one "Supplies Party".

    And the same things happened with the Daevanion level 46 set in Theobomos: Atropos has not gived the quest "A request for Atropos" => this is why I was thinking that I have a do something before to unblock these quests.