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Posts posted by Smartees

  1. i think he removed something out of inventory by accident, looks like legion spanish is rusty xD

  2. 11 minutes ago, Igrokk said:

    Друг я не тебя не понимаю. Но на гане выпускать 2 скила меньше чем за секунду это не реально, я специально вкачал гана чтобы посмотреть его скилы You can check your claims here i guess, he streams every time he plays.Imo its just that gunner class is broken when max gear...

  3. 11 minutes ago, Igrokk said:



    overshot( или както так лук) не сделал скирн.


    У людей не всегда есть возможность вовремя записать видео.... Вот первых 3 кто играет с читами

    What kind of cheat, cause Friedrice is always streaming so it would b stupid of him to cheat blatantly xD 

  4. 5 hours ago, Windy said:

    Changing sieges at all is a bad idea, they are working fine since over 4 years here. The change for Tiamarantas  Eye would be good though.

    I do play also from day 1 and i think we came to the point where sieges are the most boring part of the game, whereas they should b the peak fun of the day. It's obviously playerbase fault it's like that but admins should try to change up things a bit. Don't u think so? I mean it sad that its 100 times more fun to pvp before siege at kisk areas and at EB camp then at siege.

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  5. On 3/20/2024 at 1:48 PM, jestemMaciej said:

    Adding officer quest in specific area for glory or any solid reward would motivate some ppl for hunt and fight. Like for example abyss or eye, more ppl would go there for profit fight, not only for casual fight. But it would be needed officers kills otherwise ppl would trading or bully low ranks.Even some random spawn of something like boss would be ok just for pushing ppl for group up and fight for that.
    When there was event for wings from katalam boxes many ppl was going there and fight having hope for wings, putting them as low chance event in eye would be thing also.

    Ye, maybe also adding a custom shop with some skins and pets for cera medals to motivate to farm them more...

  6. Some fun areas for pvp/pve are empty outside events, for instance Tia Eye. Why not encourage players on more permanent basis and leave the manastone box drop in chests. Ofc on a normal, slower chest spawn rate, event with just a small chance of dropping the box. While on topic of incentivizing players, maybe consider removing Gelk/Inggi sieges from every day rotation and put them on 2 day with a GP reward, while removing also 1 Kata/Dana and 1 KKM daily siege. If anyone else has some ideas to motivate ppl to re-awake areas, please do share...

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    • Thanks 1

  7. 8 minutes ago, Gallas said:

    Tbh no need koreans, to upgrade/change game mechanics you dont have to be an official ncsoft employee or you must not contact with them.It is a fixable problem but if u can't handle that situation, I can find someone with sufficient technical skills and refer them to you.

    It's really sad that this server is lacking good technical support that can add stuff and remove annoying bug and errors just like that one. Apart from first year on this server, all we hear now is "not compatible", "different version" and "try to find a workaround"...

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  8. 21 hours ago, CowBell said:

    Crafting always had cap based on your own level :) you cannot be lvl40 char and Armoursmithing master same time.

    All my alt masters were made at 30...Not the point tho,its only sarcasm since admins work really hard on demotivating people...


  9. 2 hours ago, Ellowain said:

    Why stop at 50? Make it lv65. Then only people who have been playing for years can still farm all the flakes, new little broke players like you are left with nothing, left further behind us? :) 

    Let's widen the player gap.

    Good idea! xD They should also make crafting for only level 65 and if u grind mobs for more than one hour u get insta dc and u cannot log in for a day whilst your keyboard gets melted

    • Haha 1