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Everything posted by Bluebuff

  1. Discord ban

    It happened in a discussion with the supporter Azphel. They were discussing about insulting names and why they are still in the game after 2 weeks, when supporters promised they got warned and we wont see them ingame again. This supporter Azphel is saying that the name cum/cumslut/cumster - whatever name with cum there is - is insulting. But according to him the name Cumy is not! Funny thing is that the supporter / Ruby \ thinks the name is offensive and claimed to have Cumy already warned... Dont get me wrong, I dont want Cumy have to change his name but I also want to keep mine if there is no logical argument why I shouldnt. When I posted a screenshot of proof that Ruby already "warned" him I got banned from Discord. My Screenshot got instantly deleted... how convenient... I can link the Screenshots here again but I guess I will get a Forum ban cuz Cumy is protected anyway by supporters.
  2. Shop items

    The Server needs mail attachments only for TH weapons: Physical classes like Glad/Temp and Chant are in a weak spot right now and suffer from not having a real acces to extends. The problem is that even if you drop extends in TH it can be any. So you will probably have to do like 200 runs or even more... and btw there are only few groups that can even do TH...