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Showing most liked content on 11/07/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hello, dear players! In this topic we would like to talk about such thing as restoring and exchange of the items via administration. Starting from today such manipulations will be strongly limited! Every day we receive about 10-20 requests: to restore "accidently" discarded items; to exchange wrong items bought from the NPC (for another class and so on); about "accidental" disenchantment of the items. Herewith, most of this "accidentals" aren't accident at all. If the item has random stats, then such a discard provides a chance to get a more powerful item. "Accidental" disenchantment allows to get stones of higher level. Restore of the "accidently" descarded items which have been wrapped before allows to use wrappings again and sell the item. And so on and so forth. This also includes game shop. Please, look what you're buying! Yes, we do have some problems with the displaying the attributes/stats of of some items and we will fix it in the nearest future.. But, please, check the item before buying it. URL link of every item contains its ID, which can be found in every database. Database As a result we get spendings of the administration's time and uneven gameplay. This is why we will reduce such restores/echanges to zero! In some cases restore/echange will be made. Everything will be solved individually. The main thing we want to tell is: play consciously and think what you're doing! If you follow this rule in 99% you won't get any "accidental" problems.
  2. 1 point
    спасибо большое, НО эта все же игра а не работа )) и тут люди играют а не роботы. если военачальник что то празнует и ему не до игры, или человек 1 день хочет просто отдохнуть от всего, или на пару дней не зайдет в игру тогда? человек месяц играл напрежонно и за 2 дня он уже не военком)) вы еще и о сбросе ос до 2 го ранга думайте. подумайте о том сколько людей тут останется p.s. - х1.5 если хотите убирать с топов тех кто реально не играет p.s. военкомом одиночки не становятся, уйдет он, уйдет минимум 30 чел еще с серва
  3. 1 point
    Отключить Погоду в графике на обычном
  4. 1 point
    Перейти на улучшенный движок если у тебя эта проблема на обычном движке происходит.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Ingame name: Peaky Original: sorry for the quality, it became lower when I turned the screenshots into gifs; here are the screenshots: