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Showing most liked content on 05/11/2020 in Posts

  1. 9 points
    Hello, dear players! Hard times have reached us. We are experiencing heavy attacks on our game server. These are not usual DDOS attacks which can be prevented by a high-quality anti-DDOS security system (which we already have and which proved its efficiency not even once). We are working on the situation, but it is not that easy at all. For now we cannot provide any time frames. The situation is very difficult. We can certainly deal with it, but only with your support and belief in our strengths. All the essencial information will be published in this topic.
  2. 6 points
    Website and forum function is also in danger (because of the usual DDOS-attacks this time). So you can experience significant delays in the loading of the wed-pages or their full unavailability. This problem is under works as well.
  3. 2 points
    Hello guys Ive been streaming this game for some time now and since I picked an Assassin class I feel greatly let down by it. Why? Well beacuse of the bug that causes my candy food transformation being erased by the Slayer Form skill. That presents a serious competitive disandvantage beacuse now any class can effectivly kite you because you lose speed and some dps potentional.its a huge deal game breaking bug that neefs fix asap I cannot recommend anyone an assassin beacuse of it. Please fix it the best way you can.
  4. 2 points
    Server down, you need to communicate for what are we waiting, and what's you're problem.
  5. 1 point