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Showing most liked content on 04/11/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    After expanding maximum allowed in your capital you can expand one more in the floating island of Tigraki (hidden at the top left of the upper abyss), you'll also get a free upgrade at level 30 as a dark blue quest in your capital. Last row you can get it from a really long quest named "The Legend of Vindachinerk" for elyos and "Winning Vindachinerk’s Favor" for asmo. That's it for expanding cube in game only without shop.
  2. 1 point
    As far as you dont use third programs to reach those chests when you shoulnt in a normal way there's no problem using ingame macros for wathever you want.
  3. 1 point
    Hello everyone, I've been in contact with the developer of the Rainmeter for a few weeks now. Initially I asked him if we could get an old version of the rainmeter that works with 4.6. He sent me the old version but said that he'd adapt the current version to euroaion as it's much better than the old one. He made good on his promise and released the new version a few days ago on his official website. If you use the rainmeter, then please consider donating, because for such a well-known developer to attend to a private server's player's wishes is not something that should be taken for granted. And no, I don't get money for writing this, I'm not affiliated with him. It's simply my desire to thank him for all he's done for us. Let's show him some love tl;dr: The newest Rainmeter (version 3.30) works fine with euroaion Regards, Nimure