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Opening aethers

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Tiamantara    8

Hello there, can anything be done for the aethers i mean is taking so long when opening hundreds of aethers. Can it be done instantly? It would be really great! :)


Edited by Tiamantara

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Veninde    12

Hey! It can't be done instantly but you can make a macro for it so it opens a bunch of them automatically. You can just click the macro button or even bind it and it'll do the work for you.

Lemme tell you how to do it;

Open Menu and go to macro



Then you get this screen and it pretty much speaks for itself. Just type the name of the aether you want to open or you can even drag the item from your inventory into the macro command window and it'll copy the name for you. I've screened my macro for opening a bunch of geater aethers for an example.

The delay amount is the amount of seconds between each action. It usually takes about 3 seconds to open an aether but if you find it skips one you can change the seconds variable to 3.5 or even 4.



Fun fact as bonus. You can also do this with skills. I have my buffs set to a macro so I only have to press one bound button to buff people quickly. 



Hope this helped!


xoxo Server granny



Edited by Veninde
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Nimure    34

To fit even more opening actions into 1 macro, you can write

/use 1 1

/delay 3

/use 1 1

/delay 3


And then put your item which you want to open in the very first slot of your inventory. The first number represents the row, the second one the column of your inventory, if I remember correctly. But you can find it out easy enough by playing around with the numbers and testing which item is being used.

Another useful command:

/quickbar 1 1 1

It presses the very first icon in your very first quickbar, what ever that may be, skill or potion or a piece of clothing, it could be anything. Except for another macro, because you can't trigger another macro with a macro.

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TheAlmighty    1,140


Unfortunately, the timing cannot be changed, but you can use a macro as it is suggested by the previous user.

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