
Sauro lowered reward

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Belgarath    25

Hi all, many of us who have been playing on this server for some time have noticed the noticeable drop in the rewards obtained in the Sauro instance. A few months ago the bosses had at least 1 eternal piece or gold, now they are almost all empty! I wonder the reason for this change?! I understand you want to sell the drop boost from the shop but this is starting to dry up ...

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Belgarath    25
1 hour ago, TheAlmighty said:


We didn't change anything about this dungeon.

I don't think it's a matter of bad luck. We have faced him many times this week and he only gave one eternal piece from all the bosses !!! Before he gave many more ... Explain to me how is this possible? If you turn, I also post the videos of the EMPTY instances!


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TheAlmighty    1,151
30 minutes ago, Belgarath said:

I don't think it's a matter of bad luck. We have faced him many times this week and he only gave one eternal piece from all the bosses !!! Before he gave many more ... Explain to me how is this possible? If you turn, I also post the videos of the EMPTY instances!


What other reply do you want to hear from me? We didn't touch the dungeon, didn't change neither the bosses, nor the rewards.

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