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Discord issues please Send me message mods, Name Rathood in discord

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rashrash    0

Hello, great to see an EU server with 1.x rate, anyway i am from dubai   found out about this Server like a year ago or something but have not played, currently downloading the client my problem is with discords, am trying to verify but my shitty ISP has blocked mobile verfication through Discord even with VPN it does not help, can any admins or someone send me a message at discord if there is any other solution i can get around with it? 





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TheAlmighty    1,112


I don't quite understand the issue, you have problems with discord itself? I mean with registration there? In order to connect to our discord server you don't need any verfication and therefore i suppose that the issue should be with the discord itself. 

I am sorry that you have this issue, but we are not the creators or supporters of discord and therefore cannot help you with fixing it. For this you will have to contact their supports. 

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