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Quest dissapiring

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TheAlmighty    1,145
39 minutes ago, Gimiter said:

Quest are dissapearing. why? and how i could to stop them?


The quests can disappear from the map while you're levelling up. They are not visible on the map or over the heads of the NPCs, but you can still take them. 
Some of the quests however may disappear completely. They are pink quests and quests for some dungeons (e.g. Kromede's trial up to level 45).

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TheAlmighty    1,145

If there are some specific quests concerning you, please, provide the screenshots and links to the quests in the database ( Thank you.

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TheAlmighty    1,145
3 hours ago, Gimiter said:

I just wanted to do them but they dissapear when leveling. and i wanted to find out how to stop them

I'm sorry, but this information is not enough to tell you why you're facing it.

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