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World Bosses Additional Reward

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Velocidad    4

I'd like to suggest adding an additional reward to all existing legendary bosses in order to make them more attractive to new and returning players.
For example:
-Crystalline Ativas
-Golden Tartarus
-Kradi the Glutton
-Watcher Zapiel
-Deputy Hanuman
-Chief Saendukal
-All forgotten bosses in Tia Eye.
-Debarim the Omnipotent

My idea is to add a reward similar to the one from the Sieges of Tiamaranta to all these bosses (and many others throughout Atreia) obtainable by the entire group/alliance that eliminates the boss in question.
I think this additional reward could give all players a compelling reason to form groups and alliances to defeat these bosses that often last months without being defeated.

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