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Cleric Stigma Summon Noble Energy

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Lacray    0

Hi, i discovered today that my stigma Summon Noble of energy is dealing like 1 damage to monsters. Can someone help me since i lose so much damage in PvE. Sorry for the French language but that was screen shot saying.

Ty for helping me. 



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Veda    140
В 29.01.2025 в 15:18, Lacray сказал:

Hi, i discovered today that my stigma Summon Noble of energy is dealing like 1 damage to monsters. Can someone help me since i lose so much damage in PvE. Sorry for the French language but that was screen shot saying.

Ty for helping me. 



Hello. Can you describe the situation in more detail? Or better yet, record a video (upload it to a video sharing site and send the link).

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