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Suggestion to increase AFK time

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Konoyaro    71

I propose a change in AFK time from the current ~1 hour to 3-4 hour at least.



Many people have alt accounts and playing simultaneously with two clients and constantly relogging is a bit annoying.

Internet usage habits changed since 2014 and people multitask a lot, leave the game in background and chat / watch videos, etc, not focusing the game constantly.

The online player number count would look better.

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Veda    147
В 18.11.2024 в 23:03, Konoyaro сказал:

I propose a change in AFK time from the current ~1 hour to 3-4 hour at least.



Many people have alt accounts and playing simultaneously with two clients and constantly relogging is a bit annoying.

Internet usage habits changed since 2014 and people multitask a lot, leave the game in background and chat / watch videos, etc, not focusing the game constantly.

The online player number count would look better.

Hello. This is the standard time that was made by the developer. I don't think it is necessary to change it.

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