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Please explain

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Linnz    5

Why do certain 1 star to 5 star asmos, and generals kill the same elyos low rank, and not just once for their quest at a garrison, but over and over?


Are they childish bullies?  Psychopaths?  How can anyone call this PVP?  It's harassment, admin really need to do something, cos why kill the same lvl 64 char in white starter gear over and over, just trying to hand in a quest, where is there any logic in that?  It's probably all males with their testosterone driving them like a pack of wild beasts shredding innocent sweet bunnies for no reason, how do they even get such a horrible mentality?  I don't go squashing ants all day and think ooooh look at me I'm so powerful, it's so dumb and childish.



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TheAlmighty    1,145


We do not prohibit defeating the other players in the pvp zones, even if there's level differences.

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