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[Event] Bloody Revolution!

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Veda    74


Event is in progress from 25.06.2024 to 07.07.2024 (inclusive)

In North Katalam (Kaisinel's Beacon/Danuar Spire) 
you will find 
the NPC Mafa / Matidia 

They will give you the quests (аvailable from level 60 and above):


  • [Event/Daily] For the Revolution - available from level 60
  • [Event/Daily] Long Live Atreia - available from level 60

Quest Description:

Kill Asmodians/Elyos at Katalam, Danaria, and the Abyss (5). 
Talk to Captain 
Mafa / Matidia


Captain Mafa / Matidia told you to use this opportunity to show the Asmodians / Elyos what you are made of.
When you returned to Mafa / Matidia, he gave you the [Event] Commander Card Right Half so that you could complete the [Event] Noble Commander's Card.


  • [Event] Commander Card Right Half


:x :x :x    

  • [Event] The Wrong Half - available from level 60
  • [Event] The Halves and Half-nots - available from level 60

Quest Description:

Gather [Event] Commander Card Left Half
and give them to Matidia / Mafa.
PlayerGather Left-sided cards that you don't need and give them to Matidia / Mafa.


Captain Matidia / Mafa asked you to bring him [Event] Commander Card Left Half.


  • [Event] Xenophon's Variety Box


:x :x :x    

  • [Event/Weekly] Bloody Dominance (repeat 3 times) - available from level 60
  • [Event/Weekly] Asserting Dominance (repeat 3 times) - available from level 60

Quest Description:

Kill Asmodian Officers at Katalam, Danaria, and the Abyss (20).
Talk to Captain 
Mafa / Matidia
Kill Asmodian / Elyos Officers at Katalam, Danaria, and the Abyss.


Captain Mafa / Matidia told you to use this opportunity to kill Asmodian / Elyos Officers for the glory of Asmodae.
You did as told, and were rewarded handsomely.


  • [Event] Xenophon's Commander Box


:x :x :x     

  • [Event/Weekly] Absolute Dominance (repeat 3 times) - available from level 60
  • [Event/Weekly] Absolute Dominance (repeat 3 times) - available from level 60

Quest Description:

Kill Asmodian / Elyos Generals at Katalam, Danaria, and the Abyss (6).
Talk to Captain 
Mafa / Matidia
Kill Asmodian Generals at Katalam, Danaria, and the Abyss.


Captain Matidia / Mafa told you to use this opportunity to kill Asmodian / Elyos Generals and bring glory to Elysea / Asmodae.
You did as told, and were rewarded handsomely.


  • Illuminary Obelisk Idian Pouch (3 pcs.)
    • Triumphal Idian: Defense
    • Triumphal Idian: Magical Attack
    • Triumphal Idian: Magical Defense
    • Triumphal Idian: Support
    • Triumphal Idian: Physical Attack
    • Triumphal Idian: Physical Defense
    • Triumphal Idian: Attack
    • Triumphal Idian: Defense


:x :x :x    

[Event] Commander Card Left Half

  • You can get it with a certain chance from the monsters in the dungeons* (for each player in the group/alliance), as well as with 100% chance from the bosses* (for each player in the group/alliance).
  • Players of 55-65 lvl will receive [Event] Commander Card Left Half x1 for every 45min of online.


:x :x :x    

[Event] Commander Card Left Half [Event] Commander Card Right Half

[Event] Noble Commander Card



:x :x :x     

Contents of boxes and cards:

[Event] Noble Commander Card (reward on choice):

  • [Event] Alchemical Transformation Formula for Ceramium Medal x1
  • Composite Manastone Pouch x1
  • Major Danuar Relic x1
  • Blood Mark x40
  • Fine Recovery Potion VII x5


[Event] Xenophon's Variety Box (Random reward):



  • Shining Light's Wings


  • NPC General's Gallery Wings


  • Archangel's Wings


  • Saam King's Herbs x10
  • Seed of Detection x10
  • [Event] Premium Recovery Serum x10
  • Ancient Coin x30
  • Blood Mark x15
  • [Event] Manastone Bundle x1
  • Fragmented Ceramium x7
  • [Event] Rx: Accelerox x3
  • Major Danuar Relic x1~x2
  • [Event] Sauro Supply Base Bonus Entry Scroll x1
  • [Event] Infinity Shard Bonus Entry Scroll x1


[Event] Xenophon's Commander Box (Random reward):



  • Tempering solution
  • [Event] Sauro Commander's Accessory Box
  • Beritra's Phantom Wings
  • Beritra weapons box (skin) - Contains skins of the Beritra weapons
  • Armor Wrapping Scroll (Eternal/Lv. 60 and lower)
  • Weapon Wrapping Scroll (Eternal/Lv. 65 and lower)
  • Armor Wrapping Scroll (Eternal/Lv. 65 and lower)
  • Accessory Wrapping Scroll (Eternal/Lv. 65 and lower)
  • Blood Mark x33
  • Fragmented Ceramium x11
  • Lv. 115 Enchantment Stone x2
  • Lv. 120 Enchantment Stone x1
  • Major Danuar Relic x3
  • Ceramium medal x2
  • Major Blessed Augment: Level 2 x1
  • [Event] Brilliant Composite Manastone Bundle (stone on choice) x1
  • Stormwing egg (30 days) x1
  • Plastic Surgery Ticket Box (1 day)


* - List of Dungeons and Bosses:



  • Krotan Barracks
  • Kysis Barracks
  • Miren Barracks
  • Danuar Sanctuary Bonus Entry Scroll
  • Sauro Supply Base
  • Infinity Shard
  • Ophidan Bridge
  • Tiamat Stronghold
  • Elementis Forest
  • Argent Manor


  • Governor Sunayaka
  • Berserker Sunayaka
  • Brigade General Sheba
  • Guard Captain Ahuradim
  • Bastion's Eternal Treasure
  • Test Weapon Dynatoum
  • Furious Grendal the Witch
  • Hyperion
  • Tahabata's Treasure Chest
  • Brigade General Vasharti
  • Zadra Spellweaver
  • Tuali
  • Tiamat's Huge Treasure Crate
  • Raksha
  • Raksha Boilheart
  • Vera
  • Warmage Suyaroka
  • Virulent Ukahim
  • Chief Medic Tagnu
  • Enraged Krotan Lord
  • Enraged Kysis Duke
  • Enraged Miren Princ


 Enjoy the hunting!

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