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Brutal unbalance!

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I don't understand what is happening to the elyos on this server. I understand that some left and that loss is very noticeable, but the huge imbalance that currently exists on the server does not seem normal to me. Honestly, I lose the desire to play. You can't do anything, since everything is from the same faction. I'm playing less and less and in the end I'll end up abandoning the server, it doesn't make sense.

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3 часа назад, сказал:

I don't understand what is happening to the elyos on this server. I understand that some left and that loss is very noticeable, but the huge imbalance that currently exists on the server does not seem normal to me. Honestly, I lose the desire to play. You can't do anything, since everything is from the same faction. I'm playing less and less and in the end I'll end up abandoning the server, it doesn't make sense.

And when there was an advantage Elios didn’t interest you? 
Your pathetic attempt at manipulation is uncalled for dude.
If you want to leave, go, but for the love of God, stop whining, have a nice trip
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It is obvious that you are a resentful Asmodian. I have never attacked any faction, I'm just saying that the imbalance is very great. I've been playing for about a year and even when we had KKM the asmos had everything else. I have never seen the Elyos be superior in the time I have been playing.

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19 часов назад, сказал:

By the way, I have the right to express what I think without you having to come and tell me what I have to do. Bye.

You understand that your words are an attempt at manipulation, right? 
Before this, there was also a strong imbalance, but no one ran to the forum to say that I would leave the game because everyone around me is to blame, the server is designed in such a way that first one race dominates, then another, otherwise the server may die due to a strong advantage.

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20 часов назад, сказал:

It is obvious that you are a resentful Asmodian. I have never attacked any faction, I'm just saying that the imbalance is very great. I've been playing for about a year and even when we had KKM the asmos had everything else. I have never seen the Elyos be superior in the time I have been playing.

The superiority of the Elyos lasted about two years, I see that you are an offended Elyos who does not know what to do next and are trying to manipulate a large number of players to return to your side, this is stupid.

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Veda    94
В 15.05.2024 в 17:11, сказал:

I don't understand what is happening to the elyos on this server. I understand that some left and that loss is very noticeable, but the huge imbalance that currently exists on the server does not seem normal to me. Honestly, I lose the desire to play. You can't do anything, since everything is from the same faction. I'm playing less and less and in the end I'll end up abandoning the server, it doesn't make sense.

Hello. We are monitoring the balance of the players. Lately during sieges we see roughly equal sides between races. For a very long time, players on the Eli race have been outnumbered by the majority. Now the balance has levelled off a bit. 

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On 16/5/2024 at 17:15, Бармалей said:

La superioridad de los elios duró unos dos años, veo que eres un elio ofendido que no sabe qué hacer a continuación y estás intentando manipular a un gran número de jugadores para que vuelvan a tu lado, esto es una estupidez.

The Elyos may be more, but in the time I've been playing I have never seen domination by the Elyos. The fact that there are more of them means nothing, since many do not attend the sieges.

On the other hand, one of the problems is that there are many Elyos who agree on the fortess and even change sides (which is one of the things that have happened right now), leaving one side sold. It had to be said and it was said. Now look who's resentful here.

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Posted (edited)
On 16/5/2024 at 18:22, Veda said:

Hola. Estamos monitoreando el equilibrio de los jugadores. Últimamente, durante los asedios vemos bandos aproximadamente igualados entre razas. Durante mucho tiempo, los jugadores de la carrera de Eli han sido superados en número por la mayoría. Ahora el equilibrio se ha estabilizado un poco. 

We've been like this for more than a month. There is a lot of imbalance in the sieges. But according to some, that is false. The only thing that the Elyos have been able to dominate has been KKM and now not even that.

Thanks for answering.


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Veda    94
3 часа назад, сказал:

We've been like this for more than a month. There is a lot of imbalance in the sieges. But according to some, that is false. The only thing that the Elyos have been able to dominate has been KKM and now not even that.

Thanks for answering.


Hello. If the imbalance will be observed for a long time, we will also introduce rewards for Elyos.

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Skautt    0

The only ones that elyos can blame for the current state of siege are elyos themselves. it's not about imbalance. As others have written here, before it was the other way around and it took time for Asmos to get up. And it's the same now, it might take a while, but that's what the game is about, isn't it? or do you all want everything for free? without a little work and cooperation? Im Elyos btw...

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Posted (edited)
Hace 1 hora, Skautt dijo:

Los únicos a quienes los elios pueden culpar del actual estado de sitio son los propios elios. No se trata de desequilibrio. Como otros han escrito aquí, antes era al revés y Asmos tardó un tiempo en levantarse. Y ahora es lo mismo, puede que tarde un poco, pero de eso se trata el juego, ¿no? ¿O todos queréis todo gratis? ¿Sin un poco de trabajo y cooperación? Soy elio por cierto...

Llevo 2 años jugando y nunca he visto dominación alguna por parte de los Elios, de hecho, quitando KKM, todo el abismo siempre ha pertenecido a los Asmos. Muy de vez en cuando ha habido picos donde los elios han sido algo mejores, pero lo dicho muy concretamente. Ir al abismo es perder el tiempo. Y si muchos elios importantes cambian a sus cuentas de Asmos e intercambian fortalezas, la experiencia se rompe mucho y muchos de nosotros sabemos que esto está sucediendo.

Por otro lado, en el bando elio actualmente no hay líderes ni nadie que sepa organizarse y esto es una autocrítica y nadie tiene la culpa.

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mateusz94    1
26 minut temu, Powiedziała:


Gorszy. Nie rozumiem, dlaczego tak wielu Elyosów przeszło na stronę Asmo. Bilans zerowy.

Kto jeszcze broni tej sytuacji teraz?



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Veda    94
14 часов назад, mateusz94 сказал:


Cześć. Jak numery online na stronie są powiązane z wpływem wyścigów na serwerze?
Online na stronie pokazuje stosunek liczby graczy online na wyścig. A jeśli gracze nie udają się na oblężenie, nie oznacza to, że nie istnieją.

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