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Guys, you are actually saying no to my money at this time

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vesavius    0

I appreciate the game and you providing it, I want to donate to help support the server, but none of these payment options are any good for me being in the UK.

I don't use Crypto and I won't give my CC details.

I know that there are other threads talking about this but it really is important. Any eta as to when you will get a secure working option in place that we over here can use?

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TheAlmighty    1,073


As you have already seen in the other topics on this question, we are not ignoring the issue and it bothers us as well as you. We are not happy with method2 and method 1 is going to be closed in a couple of days completely. But unfortunately, it is not that easy to just connect any payment method, as there are restrictions both for you and for us.

We would be happy to add a lot of payment methods that would suit everyone, but it is not possible, or is really difficult to find. 

For now we are in search of a good payment system to add to our server, however nothing is known yet. 

We hope for your understanding. 

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