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Problema al iniciar el cliente

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Aca les dejo mi problema amigos, el juego carga el anti hack y todo pero cuando carga la pantalla de gameforce no inicia el cliente, solo se cierra y me arroja ese error, falla.png.ba050ad919a9b0a7c4114fe2beb90646.pngojo estaba jugando la version de 7.5 NA y juegaba perfecto, pero el euro aion no lo eh podido jugar


se que mi equipo es Old School pero aun asi puedo jugar la version mas nueva de el aion, deberia de poder jugar el Euro Aion, si alguien me puede ayudar con este arror, se lo agradeceria.

Edited by jotaele210512

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TheAlmighty    1,135


First of all it is necessary to download and install all the software listed lower, even if you are sure that it is already installed on your PC.
1 - DirectX. A sufficient version of the program (June, 2008) can be downloaded from the website . Open the file and choose any folder where the file will be unpacked. Then go to the folder and open the installing file .exe, it will install the program if necessary. ATTENTION! After you launch the downloaded file, it will ask you to provide the path for the unpacking of the files. One more time: it is only unpacking! After the unpacking you must open the provided folder and launch the installation with the file DXSETUP.
2 - Microsoft Visual C++ Download and install the necessary components from here.
3 - Download and install NET Framework. Download it exactly from this link as it is necessary for the correct working of the launchar of the game!

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