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Antihero    0

I have a pretty good PC and i don't know how to call that. So when i move my mouse freely, this happens. It's down to like 1 frame per second. I am running Aion on max settings possible. 



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TheAlmighty    1,145

Dear players,
If you're using Nvidia cards, you may start experiencing problems with the game after the latest driver updates. The problem is that the new driver conflicts with the game.
If you notice that the game starts lagging/freezing when moving the mouse, or your FPS got lower, you need to uninstall the current driver from the PC and install an older version (457.30 and lower). 
For now we can only wait for the further updates.
Have a good time in game!

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I have a better solution, for those who dont want to install older drivers and reinstall them every time you want to play new games like cyberpunk2077

Just kill the process [Nvidia Container] or [Nvidia Display Container] when game start freezing, just working for me, its running itself again but freezes gone for few hours for me atleast.

i just killing both 


P.S. I think this post could help alot of people and must be attached to helping guide.

Edited by TheEvilSonic
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Miza    7

when i do this it helps a bit but it instantly comes again. any ideas?

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TheAlmighty    1,145
On 6/6/2021 at 7:28 AM, Miza said:

when i do this it helps a bit but it instantly comes again. any ideas?


Sorry for the late respond. 

Go to Search -> write msconfig -> run the application
You will see the configuration of the system. Go to services -> mark "don't show microsoft services" (hide Microsoft services) -> press on disable all.

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jizzdrunkk    0

i tried the last solution and it didnt work.I also dont have nvidia card,i am using a laptop with i5 and IRIS plus graphics.My game lags a lot when i use my mouse but not at all normally.

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