
Perte FPS en utilisant le curseur de la sourie [Drop FPS with move cursor]

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Guikivada    0


J'ai un problème récurant sur mon EuroAion, quand je joue pendant 30 min. Tous actions faites avec le pointeur de la sourie dans le jeu fait chuter mes FPS à 10-12FPS. Alors que je suis en 61 FPS constant.

J'ai essayé beaucoup le méthode pour résoudre le problème mais sans succès:

  • Redémarré le jeu
  • Redémarré le PC
  • Réinstaller le jeu
  • Vérifier le jeu
  • Lancé le jeu en 32 ou 64 Bits
  • Lancé le jeu en Main update method; Torrent ou HTTP
  • Driver à jour

Merci de répondre et/ou trouver une solution pour moi.



I have a recurring problem on my EuroAion, when I play for 30 min. Anything done with the mouse pointer in the game drops my FPS to 10-12FPS. While I am in constant 61 FPS.

I tried the method a lot to solve the problem but without success:

  • Restarted the game
  • Restart the PC
  • Reinstall the game
  • Check the game
  • Run the game in 32 or 64 Bits
  • Launched the game in Main update method; Torrent or HTTP
  • Driver up to date

Please respond and / or find a solution for me.

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Sihyeon    1

"Driver à jour"

Si tu as une carte graphique Nvidia, voilà le problème.

C'est un problème connu (et dit plusieurs fois sur le discord Euroaion) avec la dernière mise à jour Nvidia en rapport avec Cyberpunk.

Il te faut downgrade tes drivers graphiques et tout devrait rentrer dans l'ordre.

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artoteck    2


Ok mais si on joue aux 2 jeux on fais comment on désinstalle et réinstalle les drivers en fonction du jeu? c'est pas la bonne solution!

Es ce que le problème sera réglé avec une prochaine maj?

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TheAlmighty    1,090

Dear players,
If you're using Nvidia cards, you may start experiencing problems with the game after the latest driver updates. The problem is that the new driver conflicts with the game.
If you notice that the game starts lagging/freezing when moving the mouse, or your FPS got higher, you need to uninstall the current driver from the PC and install an older version (released before December, 10). 
For now we can only wait for the further updates.
Have a good time in game!

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artoteck    2


Je up ce topic car malgré la dernière mise a jours graphique, il y a toujours ce problème des pertes de fps en utilisant le curseur! Le problème à t il était remonté ? on peut pas à chaque fois qu'on joue à des jeux différents devoir changer le pilote graphique!

En attente d'une solution ou d'une autre maj car le jeux est vraiment injouable on peut pas faire ni siege, ni pvp, RvR ou autre quêtes et des qu'on va à la capital la on freeze à 2 ou 3 fps !!

en espérant qu'il y aura une solution car sa dure depuis un moments.



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artoteck    2
On 30/01/2021 at 4:11 PM, artoteck said:


I up this topic because despite the last graphic update, there is still this problem of fps losses using the slider! The problem was it was up? we can not every time we play different games have to change the graphics driver!

Waiting for a solution or another shift because the game is really unplayable we can not do neither siege, nor pvp, RvR or other quests and as soon as we go to the capital la we freeze at 2 or 3 fps!

Hopefully there’ll be a solution because it’s been going on for a while.

If an admin can answer me?

thank you




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artoteck    2


Last update Nvidia installed since yesterday but still the problem of FPS drop!!! When will you fix this problem that lasts for a very long time and even after several updates nvidia because it is really unplayable!!

Would it be possible to have at least one answer? because I feel like I’m on the OFFICIAL AION help forum:(

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Ruby    19


Hey ,If you've Nvidia graphics card , you may start experiencing problems with the game after the latest driver updates. If you notice that the game starts lagging/freezing when moving the mouse, or your FPS got lower, you need to uninstall the current driver from the PC and install an older version 457.30 or lower.

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Asseo    1

We cannot uninstall / reinstall the updates between each game that we play as said previously, in view of the different responses that I received from moderators, I have the impression that you did not look for to inform Nvidia of the problem, except that waiting for an update from Nvidia which by pure "luck" and "chance" would solve the problem, has very little chance of giving positive results.

So unless I'm wrong and it's already done, you should just inform Nvidia.

Edited by Asseo
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Hakky    0


Just to say that the last driver 461.92 from 16 March 2021 has resolved the fps drop issue. (at least for rtx2070)


You can now update your drivers to the last version.

Edited by Hakky

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