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European english localization

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disgusting    18

Hello, Euroaion uses the english localization from the NA servers, however the other european languages are from Gameforge server, what i dont really understand. Im looking for the english localization from Gameforge, because its much more uncomplicated when it comes to instance, items and garrison names. I tried to copy the english files from the retail server into this one, unfortunately the patches are so much different, that it breaks the whole interface and all text. So we need the english files from the Gameforge 4.6 or 4.7 patch. If someone somehow has them still on its PC because he never updated it, i would be glad if they would share them here. The files are in \l10n\ENG

If they are available anywhere else, please let me know. Thanks a lot.

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TheAlmighty    1,152

It is not possible to change the language, as the launcher updates some of the files with every start. Adding additional is not possible either. We are using the maximum number of supported (by the client) localizations.

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