
Launch Error: close all games 3

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aCarrot    1


Won’t let me open the game. Did delete the bin32,bin64 and the l10n and re-did the update through the launcher.

Deactivated completely the firewall and the antivirus even though the game is in the exceptions. Nothing changed.

Also, at the sign in tab on the website even though I confirmed my email, says: Invalid login. Dunno if It's relevant or not. I play from Europe.



Did plenty of checks, restarts and what not. My game files are 43.4 GB on the E:/ drive. Something I noticed is that every time I do a check and then hit Play, it downloads some more files of 0.32GB (this time), which is kinda weird since game supposed to be around 47GB, no?



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TheAlmighty    1,151


First of all, replying the comment on our bugless server, the error you get is about your PC, not the game process. 

Redarding the issue itself, what version of Windows do you have? Have you lately updated it to the last version?

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TheAlmighty    1,151
1 hour ago, aCarrot said:

Okay :D sorry for the snobbish joke! I have win10 home x64... do you recommend something regarding windows?

I'm rather referring to the version of the system. The newest one now should be version 2004. And it is what causes the problem as you got. 

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