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Danuar Mysticarium

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Syliex    2

Hi! Just a suggestion... could be very nice if both factions can do "Danuar Mysticarium" without have the Sillus Fortress, like on AionLegends. Is very helping, especially on early game and actually, asmo side have all fortress and its more hard for elys... Really apreciated if u doing this. 

Thanks and have a good day.

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TheAlmighty    1,151
7 часов назад, Syliex сказал:

Hi! Just a suggestion... could be very nice if both factions can do "Danuar Mysticarium" without have the Sillus Fortress, like on AionLegends. Is very helping, especially on early game and actually, asmo side have all fortress and its more hard for elys... Really apreciated if u doing this. 

Thanks and have a good day.


As it is written in the description of the server and we have also said it many times, the server corresponds to the official one. We aren't going to add modifications into it. 

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