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Update Error (6)

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Lourhyn    0

Hey, when I want to start the game it says there was an update error. This is only the case when I try to start the game the second/third time a day, it's not a problem the first time.
I can only solve it by restart my pc, but I hope there is another solution. I can't check the client either and when I click Play it says "Anticheat Version is old, please update".
Thanks in advance. 

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TheAlmighty    1,145
8 часов назад, Lourhyn сказал:

Hey, when I want to start the game it says there was an update error. This is only the case when I try to start the game the second/third time a day, it's not a problem the first time.
I can only solve it by restart my pc, but I hope there is another solution. I can't check the client either and when I click Play it says "Anticheat Version is old, please update".
Thanks in advance. 


Could you please give us Screenshots of the errors? 

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Lourhyn    0

It can be so easy - adding the folder to the white list did work. :) Thanks a lot!
Anyway here's a screen for you to have a clue of the error message.  

Edit: As I said before, when you click Play despite the error there opens another window showing the message "Anticheat Version is old, please update". Did not take a screen from it and now the problem is solved, so.. :D 


Edited by Lourhyn

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